Chapter 480 : Home Not So Sweet Home


“Oh, there’s my beautiful little man,” I cooed as I lifted Elio out of his car seat.

“Mama!” he replied as I settled him on my hip and turned to face the compound.

The sun rested high in the sky overhead, and Gio was getting our bags out of the trunk. A driver had picked us up instead of riding the helicopter home. I was glad for the slower drive to separate vacation from reality.

But now we were finally home, the ease of Naples falling away the longer I stood in the driveway and let Elio grab at my hair. I disentangled him absently and offered him a small ring of plastic keys instead.

I sighed. He’d been an absolute dream to travel with, like always. As long as Gio or I read to him, he’d pass out anywhere. But this was his first time on a plane, so I’d still been worried.