Chapter 553 : An Unwelcomed Presence


My morning with Natalia had been nearly ideal. If not for the looming dread of Bianca’s reappearance, it would have been perfect.

Natalia hadn’t brought her up again, and I hoped that I had been successful in reassuring her. She had no idea how right she was when she said that Bianca was going to cause trouble. Being with that woman was one of the worst mistakes of my life.

Saying that she had been clingy was an understatement. She was frighteningly obsessed with me, and within the first few weeks of our dating, she had started to talk about marriage.

I thought that it was innocent teasing and jokes at first, but I was wrong. I had strong suspicions that she had been obsessed with me before we met, but there had never been any proof of that. I just didn’t see how she could have developed such a deep attachment in only a few weeks.

I hadn’t spoken to Bianca in eight years, not since I threatened to file a restraining order against her.