Chapter 2 : Alone with Carl's Father

**Ellis POV

I watched her from the shadows, taking slow sips from my glass of imported red wine from my personal winery in the south of France.

The woman froze, as if she was surprised by the command that echoed from my lips. She was gorgeous and just my type, young and beautiful, with her little summer dress and her ballet flats.

I imagined what she would look like wearing a bunny mask, ‘my’ collar, and matching white lace lingerie crawling towards me on her hands and knees before sitting back on her heels.

How she would slide her fingertips along her sexy thighs, clothed in crisp, white, lace-topped, thigh highs with her back straight, and her head tilted up. I shoved the lascivious thought away and focused on her.

She looked innocent, like an angel in a demon’s lair.

Although she acted a bit different from when we talked over the phone, she was definitely worth the price.

The atmosphere around me thickened as I slowly and meticulously circled around my prey in the shadows, channeling my Dominant headspace and letting myself sink into the familiar feeling that I craved so much.

Everyone followed my orders, whether it was in the office or in my dungeon. I reigned supreme in both my public and private life

However, she swallowed hard and didn’t move.

I stared at her, wondering when she would finally f*cking listen to me. I scowled in irritation at her inability to follow a simple order. I was paying top dollar for this girl and she was playing me for a fool!

“Do I need to remind you about our arrangement?” I growled and spoke with a serious cadence, “I said... ‘come’.”

She clenched her hands at her sides and shifted her thighs together like the sexy woman she was.

As she stood there, I noticed she was even more beautiful than I could have imagined, a Goddess compared to the others I had experienced. However, she was not adhering to the planned scene we discussed over the phone.

She was toying with me, and I wasn’t one to be messed with.

A dark growl emanated from my chest, “You know...I don’t like to wait.”

She swung around and her pretty, pouty lips parted as she finally focused on me.

There we go. There’s my naughty girl. I knew she wanted me, craved me, NEEDED me.

I moved to stand in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. I was shirtless, only outfitted in a pair of tailored black dress pants with a glass of red wine. I was savoring her like a vice that I was forbidden to partake in.

I needed more of her.

I let my wine glass dangle from my fingertips, slowly swishing it around in the glass, making the warm liquid caress the smooth edges like I wanted to do to her curves.

I wanted to trace them with my fingertips and my tongue, to make her arch her back and part her lips in a soft moan. I wanted to hear my name from her lips as she came hard beneath me. I wanted to make it so she would wake up and never forget who had been railing her between her thighs.

I finished my wine and set my glass down, strutting towards her.

Finally, she seemed to fall beneath my spell. Now I had her right where I wanted her. My curious, little kitten.

I chuckled, “Good girl.”

She shivered at my words and suddenly resisted me, planting her hands on my chest to push me away. I smirked and chuckled low in my chest, grabbing her wrists and pushing her towards the bed.

“You know I love a good chase, my sexy f*ck toy.” The corner of my lips curled up, and my pulse raced faster as my c*ck throbbed between my thighs.

However, I didn’t see excitement in her eyes as I expected. What the…

“CARL, help!” My son’s name suddenly shot from her pretty mouth.

I paused for a second, and she took the opportunity to scramble up from the bed and fled to put her back against the wall of windows.

“Get away from me!” she demanded. “Who are you?!”

“This’s my house,” I answered her in a rough tone, then looked at her. “I should be asking you the same thing. What are YOU doing here?”

Her eyes widened. I couldn’t help but notice how pure and adorable her beautiful orbs were.

Her voice came out timid and unsure like she was walking on eggshells. “Your home…? I came to see my fiance, Carl. I was told I was always welcome here.”

She was Carl’s fiancee? God d*mnit, I had mistaken her for the submissive I paid for!

I opted to grab my wine glass and fill it again before I did anything else. Then I downed it in a few swallows before I cleared my throat, and introduced myself. “Ellis Peterson, Carl’s father.”

The shocked expression on her face told me that she didn’t fully believe what I said. I stared at her for a couple seconds, I gotta say, any man would appreciate her precious little face.

She stared at me confused, worried, and scared senseless. Her face was pale, and she looked like she was about to faint on my damn floor.

“I was expecting someone else,” I let the words filter from my lips in a quick tone. I wasn’t the type of man to explain myself for anyone, no matter what I’d done, but this was a bit too f*cked up.

I was expecting a submissive, who I had paid top dollar to be my personal play toy from a privately owned luxury dungeon. She was carefully vetted. We had discussed extensively the scene that we were going to play out here and she had agreed to all of the terms.

Except she wasn’t the girl in front of me.

Damn it, I felt like a damn idiot.

F*ck, I needed to salvage the damage I had done to this poor girl—my son’s fiancee, she said?

Hurrying over, I grabbed my tailored black suit coat from the back of a chair. I brought it over to her and draped it around her shoulders, trying to offer her some comfort.

I had her sit down in my crimson leather upholstered armchair. I crouched down in front of her and adjusted my suit coat on her shoulders, watching as she continued gasping for air.

“How about a glass of water?” I locked my gaze with hers.

Her eyes followed me, as I stood up and walked over to a drink cart where I kept a crystal pitcher of cold water and a candy dish of wrapped gourmet dark chocolates. I poured some water into a glass and brought it back over to her before sitting on the foot of my canopied bed.

I placed my ankle on my thigh and watched her, “Usually, I’m away on business, and only my son is here.” I watched her take a small sip of water.

Once she seemed to calm down a bit, I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. It was slightly gray, and I thought something about it made me more distinguished. Women seemed to love it anyway, especially when I was lavishing them between their thighs.

“Why don’t I take you to my son, hm?” I stood up with a groan and walked over holding my hand out for her.

Her hand slightly trembled as she reached up to place it in mine, allowing me to help her up from the chair. I gently took the empty glass from her and set it on top of one of my counters. She passed me my suit coat and I draped it over my spanking bench before grabbing a navy button-down shirt to wear.

Her eyes wouldn’t look at me as I buttoned my shirt.

I couldn’t help but chuckle. It wasn’t often for me to run into shy girls nowadays, especially a shy, cute and innocent one like her.

“What’s your name?” I finished buttoning the third button from the top of my shirt.

“O-Olivia,” she cleared her throat and blushed.

“And your last name?” I walked a few steps away to loosen my belt and pants to tuck my shirt in before clasping my belt again. Most women would have gazed at the bulge in my pants, but not her.

“Um, Richardson,” she let her last name spill from her lips.

After checking I was properly dressed, I walked back to face her with a smile. “Nice to meet you, Miss Richardson.”