Chapter 6 : Crashing into You

The warm water rushed up around me, causing the sounds outside of the water to blur and become a mumble. Ringing echoed in my ears, making me cringe from the sharp sound.

Time felt like it had slowed down before I suddenly realized I was sinking. I began to panic, flailing my arms around beneath the water and hoping to rise up. I foolishly gasped for air beneath the waves, thinking that would save me.

Water filled my nose and lungs, causing my heart to race harder and me to panic more. I kicked and choked on the intrusive chlorinated water when I heard a loud splash beside me.

I tried to swim to the surface, but I was disoriented and scared. It wasn’t long before a pair of strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me up to the surface while I was kicking and gasping for air, unable to make a sound.

I clawed at muscular pecs, panicking, coughing up water, and gasping for air.

“You’re alright,” a low voice spoke as if to console me. It was then I realized who had jumped in to save me. “I have you.” He patted my back hard with his palm, trying to get me to cough out more water from my burning lungs.

A large hand ran over my eyes to wipe away the water that burned my eyes, nose, and throat. I panted and peered at him. He was blurry at first and it soon gave way to clarity. He looked concerned and was busily gripping my chin and turning my head from side to side.

“Did you hit your head? Are you alright?” Ellis brushed my soaking wet hair away from my temples looking for head injuries. “I should call for a flashlight to check if you have a concussion. God, you scared the f*ck out of me. You don’t know how to swim?”

I wanted to say, “I do,” but I panicked just now.

My lips parted as my hands clung to his pecs without thinking, leaving welts in their wake.

Why was he doting on me like he cared what happened to me? I scoffed and shoved him away, treading through the water. I grabbed the edge of the pool to get out, but I failed to push myself up.

“Here, let me help you.” He grabbed my hips and lifted me up so I could climb out.

I clutched my arms around myself and shivered. It was warmer in the pool compared to outside it. I heard the sound of water rushing and dripping onto the pool deck as I peered over my shoulder.

There he was again rising from the water like some God, looking all intimidating and… attractive?

I shook my head. It wasn’t right for me to use that description on my fiance's father!

“Here, let me dry your hair for you,” Ellis grabbed the plush white towel from a towel warmer off to the side. He brought it over, unrolling it and holding it out towards me.

Then he stopped in his tracks a couple steps away from me. I noticed that he had a smirk on his face.

I peered down to realize I was wearing a white summer dress of all things and it had gone completely see through and had clung to my curves. My nipples hardened from the cold and brushed against the soaking wet fabric, which made my body more visible.

I squeaked and covered my breasts with my left arm and grabbed the towel from him with my other hand, watching a smirk slowly appear on his lips.

“Thank you, but no, I don’t need your help!” I wrapped myself with the towel, and my face heated up. I was so embarrassed.

Ugh, I wanted the Earth to swallow me whole.

At that moment, the noise of the door opened behind me, drawing both of our attention. “Mr. Peterson, your guest has arrived.” A maid appeared. She was surprised to see me.

“I’ll be right there,” Ellis replied, and then he added, “Miss Richardson had just fallen in the pool by accident, help her if she needs it. Also, she dropped her ID in my office, please go fetch it for her.”

The maid bowed to him, and then smiled at me, “Miss Richardson, please allow me to show you the way to your room.”

I turned on my heels, shivering, and followed her out of the indoor pool area with a blush on my face.

Had that really JUST happened? Of all things I could have fallen into a pool wearing!

And what was with that look on his face! I was beyond mortified.

After returning to my room, I took a much-needed shower. The hot water washed the smell of chlorine off of me, but not the memory of his warm body pressed against mine.

I sighed and decided to call it a night.

I hoped a solid rest would help take my mind off of Ellis and his skin-tight bathing suit.


**Ellis POV

I headed towards my home dungeon to meet the submissive I hired from the luxury club I had frequented often. I had almost forgotten I hired one for tonight after the whole incident at the pool with Miss Richardson.

When I arrived at the door to my playroom, I undid my tie and let it hang around my collar with the top buttons of my shirt opened. I passed my suit coat to a maid nearby and slipped into my dungeon.

There she was with her back to me.

Her lingerie was a dark cherry wine and made from a PVC material. Her hair was long, dark, and up in a high ponytail wrapped with a hair tie made from latex tape.

She was spot-on with her attire. All my usual favorites. I could tell that she had done her best to please me, just like all other girls that ever came into my dungeon, because they knew I’d make them feel appreciated in return.

To negotiate and communicate, to make an art piece together by melding our passions and fantasies together. I loved to let go and take charge in the bedroom, taking their deepest and darkest desires and bringing them to life before their eyes.

That was my favorite pastime.

My gaze landed on the submissive in my playroom. She was obedient, bending to my every whim just like we had discussed. In fact, she seemed to be a dream to play with. But for some reason, tonight, I wasn’t feeling anything.

I slowly stepped towards the woman kneeling on the crushed velvet pillow on my floor. My pristine dress shoes echoed along the hard tile flooring, as I stepped in front of her.

She slowly slide her hands down her thighs to press her lips to the tip of my shoe before placing her head upon it. I slightly lifted my toe and spoke in a low tone, “Red.”

She sat back on her heels and peered up at me with a curious expression, “Red?”

I held my hand out from her, “Stand for me.”

The woman took my hand and stood up. I walked over to grab her a bottle of water from a mini fridge and her coat. I draped the coat over her shoulders and handed her the cold water.

“I don’t understand. Why did you call your safeword?” She searched my gaze in confusion.

“I’m not in the mood to play tonight.”

“Master, did I do anything wrong?” Her eyes were widened, and tears glimmered in her doe eye. She was indeed a babe, however, tonight…something was off.

I shook my head. “No, you didn’t. Just that I had a long day. Keep the money. Thank you for coming anyway.”

The submissive had an even more surprised expression on her face, but soon, she lowered her head.

“Thank you, Master,” she said before she grabbed her aftercare bag.

I walked her to one of my maids. “Miss Vale will be leaving for the evening. See to it that she makes it back to her car safely.”

The submissive lowered her head again appreciatively and took her leave, while I crossed my arms over my chest and nodded with a wide stance, watching her departure.

F*ck, this was annoying.

I sighed and walked back to my dungeon.

Running my fingers along the red and black floggers hanging on the wall, my mind wandered.

I usually loved running these along submissives’ back and down their a*ses. I loved how they would beg me for more. I relished when a submissive’s back would arch blissfully as she pulled at my wrist restraints while she bent over my spanking bench.

I wanted nothing more than to separate a submissive's legs and worship her like she deserved.

But, why not tonight?

I let the soft leather flails of the floggers run along my hand and slowly fall before I walked over to pick up the pillow from the floor.

I was annoyed with myself.

What had gotten into me?