Chapter 196: Don’t Get Clever and Everything Will Be Peachy

Ellis POV

The rental car rolled smoothly toward the hotel. A five-star, high-security place catering to V.I.P.s it looked like a fortress from the outside.

“Pretty, ain’t it?” Uncle Anthony asked from the back, his knees up near his ears.

“It’s what's inside that counts,” I said.

I parked in an out-of-the-way spot, the rented Lexus blending in with the other dark luxury cars. Highlighted in spots by a bright orange Ferrari or the like.

“Stay where I can see you,” I told Anthony as we got out of the car.

“What? Me?” Anthony asked innocently. “Do you think I would stab you in the back?”

“Not literally, but yes.”

“Okay,” Anthony agreed, in that amused way that made me want to knock him out.

“Watch him,” I whispered to Jesse, as Anthony strolled away.

“Right,” Jesse said with a wink.

He might have been a fed, but Jesse had already shown he could be trusted. If things got nasty, I felt better having him by my side.

“You strapped?” Jesse asked.