Chapter 207: We Have a Mole

Ellis POV

It was nearly unbelievable. The hurt in her eyes left me shocked. I had hurt her more than I ever could in our playroom.

Slowly, her expression changed from hurt to pure anger. I had never seen her so furious. It was a surprise that she was even capable of it. I thought she might get up and leave with the kids right then.

Only my concern for Hope kept me in the room. Olivia seemed to be having trouble holding our tiny baby with only one arm.

Just as I was about to step in, Livy shifted her hold. Putting Hope restfully against her chest. Our little one looked as happy as ever.

I should have known she would find a way. I didn’t give her enough credit for being resourceful. It was a mistake I was quickly learning to avoid.

Far from the silly girl who first wandered into my dungeon so many years ago, as she had pointed out, Olivia had become like someone else altogether.