Chapter 220 : Not Ready for the Truth


"Are you sure this is going to be a good idea? I thought you said we want to be delicate in how we approach her?" I asked, keeping my eyes out the window. Jaxon reached over and took my hand.

"No, you were right when you suggested this. Power is really the only thing she’ll respond to. We are still going to be delicate and careful, but we have to show strength. We have to show her that we aren’t going to be pushed around. If we want this to work, we have to show that we are stronger than her," he answered. His voice was soothing and considerate. It had sounded so good when I mentioned it, and I imagined all the powerful women I knew and admired, but now that we were driving to the meeting, I felt hesitant. I wasn’t as confident as Jaxon, and I didn’t want to be forceful and pushy to a woman like Tatiana. But I knew he was right.