Chapter 285 : Faceless Monsters


"Oh God, this is bad. This is really bad. We are going to die!" Dana cried out. "Who are these people? What do they want from us? They have to have the wrong house. We are all just ordinary."

She was pacing around the room and kind of shaking her hands like she had wet nails or something. I stared at her strangely.

I didn’t object to her, but I knew that wasn’t true. We were far from ordinary. I didn’t know who sent these men or what their grudge was against Jaxon. But I knew they had the right house and I knew they had one purpose.

I felt a little bad in the moment that we had brought Dana back and she was in this mess because we hadn't been totally honest with her. It was likely she was going to die just because she wanted to work with kids and I didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth, to tell her what a high-risk job this might be.