Chapter 381 : Take Care of My Daughter


I stared at the papers in front of me in disbelief. This was a new level of grudge and payback, and Liz had the bad luck to get caught up in it. It made me feel a bit sick.

"What is it?" Michael asked calmly.

I looked at him and saw the same worry in his eyes that I felt. For a moment I struggled for the words to explain what I was looking at. My throat had gone suddenly dry.

"We killed his family," I answered, looking back down at the papers in front of me.

"What are you talking about?" Michael asked, confused. He moved over and started reading over my shoulder.

"Well, not us as in you and me, but my parents. Like twenty years ago or something. He was just a baby when his father was killed in a big shootout along with Cesar Vitullo and some of his associates. His name is Phillip Rossi," I muttered.

I continued reading the pieces of articles that were clipped together in the file.