*The Realm, Winter Weir*
A tall dark-skinned muscular man held the door of a car open for Damiano to walk out. The said name stood in front of the car and exhaled loudly before fixing his suit. "Great day today," he stated.
Another man in a black suit ran up to Damiano, breathing heavily. "Sir, there's a problem that needs your immediate attention," the man declared through his heavy breathing.
"Problem?" Damiano repeated. He looked at the man thoroughly before continuing into the Quantum Realm building.
Damiano passed through the automatic double door to the ground floor of the building only to find the place filled with uniform personnel.
"What the hell is going on here?" He queried, his brows ripping into each other.
A short tanned skinned man in a tracksuit with low-shaved pale golden-brown hair and dark blue eyes approached Damiano with a tablet in his hand. "Mr. Silverr, I'm agent Catch from Cyclone."
"We are a Cycle Organization agency. We work…"
"I know what the Cyclone does you fool. What I want to know is what you are doing here, in my building!"
"We acquired a tip from an anonymous individual that the Quantum Realm Corp has been involved in criminal activities," the agent revealed.
Damiano tucked a stray hair back as he took in the words of the agent. "Criminal activities? Why would I indulge myself in any criminal activities? I own billions already."
"Well, among the criminal activities stated in the anonymous tip is that the Q.R.C. sells highly dangerous weapons to terrorists," Agent Catch stated.
Damiano immediately figured out the cause of the fire that was burning up his entire farm and the 'anonymous person'. "I'm the Prime, agent…"
"I know," the blue-eyed man interrupted. "It was also stated here that you use your power as the Prime to get your business going. This is why we are shutting down all activities of Quantum Realm and any building or property owned by Damiano Silverr will be seized and held onto by Cyclone. You should know that the only reason you're not taken into custody for your crimes is because of your status as the Prime."
Damiano stood still, utterly shocked and motionless. He opened his mouth to speak but couldn't make out any word. "Come on people, move out," Agent Catch said, ushering the workers out of the building.
Damiano felt his breath hooked in his throat. Despite the cold weather in Winter Weir, he felt as if he was burning up. He loosened his tie and rushed up to his office on the highest floor of the building. The green-eyed man yelled furiously and swept all the things on his table to the floor with his hand.
"Damn you Havishma! Damn you!" He took off his suit top and tossed it away, before kicking down an innocent chair. Damiano dug his hand into his caramel hair as his breathing popped rapidly.
Damiano cussed out loud before exhaling loudly. He picked up the chair and fixed it in its position before picking up his phone from the ground. "Oh, you picked the wrong opponent. I'll show you," he mumbled to himself as he dialed a number into the phone. Immediately he hit the call button, the person on the other end of the call answered.
"Hey Galliard, I need you to take care of something for me," Damiano spoke impatiently into the phone.
"Whatever it is, just say the word and I'll help."
Damiano looked out through the window. He watched as his workers drive out of the parking lot with their cars. "You know the Cyclone agency?"
"I need you to find a way to close the agency. I want the agency to no longer function," he stated.
There was a bit of silence for a few seconds before the man on the other side of the phone replied. "Okay. But what happened? I need details, why do you suddenly want them gone?"
"It's Havishma. I think Cyclone is controlled by her and she's using them to get back at me! I want them all gone." Damiano waited for a reply but he doesn't hear anything from Galliard. "Galliard? Are you there?"
"Yeah yeah. I'm sorry but you're on your own on this one."
"What? Why!"
"Well firstly, I can't just bring up a motion to lock down Cyclone or any agency in the Cycle Organization, it'll never happen. Secondly, it's Miss Havishma. How'd you get yourself at the wrong end of Miss Havishma's spear Damian?"
Damiano furrowed. The anger he had managed to restrain before he hit the call button was rising again. "Are you saying you won't help me?"
"I'm saying I can't help with anything that'll get me on that woman's bad side. If you have a problem with Miss Havishma, you solve it yourself. I'll help you with any other thing, not this."
"Wait. You can't do that…"
"A little tip that may help," Galliard chipped. "Try to strike a deal with her, as long as it's all in her favor, you might get whatever you lost back."
"NO WAIT…!" the call ended before he could add anything. Damiano crashed on the chair and inhaled shakily. "Unbelievable."
Rain X and Jesselyn got down from a spaceship in the port of Zoda. The former had a blue buttoned-up shirt coupled with a pair of jeans trousers while the latter wore a loose-fitting black top with a white sweater underneath and honey brown trousers. She also had a brown beanie over her head and the same-colored scarf around her neck.
"Wow. It's so cold today," Rain X said while rubbing his palm together. "I never thought Chief would let us out of HQ, especially after yesterday's bar day."
"Yesterday's bar day?"
Rain X rubbed the back of his head with his hand. "Yeah, I was at the bar with the other Storm Troopers yesterday."
"And you didn't invite me?"
"It was a Storm squad thing, strictly just the Storm squad. They won't have any missions in a while so they decided to unwind a little."
"You're not even a Storm agent," Jesselyn said. She shook her head and continued out of the airport.
Rain X sighed loudly as he followed behind her. "I didn't know you'd be interested in coming."
Jesselyn stop and turned to face him. "I'm only letting this go because it's your birthday today."
Rain-X's smile faded upon the mention of his birthday. He looked at his watch and exhaled. "it's today huh."
"You don't look happy. Is everything okay?"
Rain X slipped his hands into his pocket and let out a rueful chuckle. "There's no keeping it away from you, is there?"
Jesselyn walked up to his side and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You know you can tell me anything."
Rain X was quiet for a few moments before speaking again. "For as far back in my life as I can remember, I never celebrated birthdays. My dad never got me any present, I don't think he knows the date anymore. I had never been wished on any birthday, so I stopped thinking much of it."
"Oh," Jesselyn exclaimed softly. "I'm sorry I didn't find out the date sooner."
"Don't say that. You are going to make me feel bad."
"Come on, let's go celebrate your first birthday," she said, pulling him with her. "Wait, that's the reason we were out here? That's not what you told me."
"I didn't add any specifics to it," Jesselyn said. "Now hurry your electric ass up."