WebNovelStorm 0141.78%


Rain X fixed the cloak over his head as he stealthily strode forward. He hid behind a wall as a group of Electro troopers walked past the path in front of him.

The rain agent tapped the communication device he was wearing. "Hey, Rory. Which way do I go through?" He queried.

There was a bit of silence before the lady on the other side of the comms replied. [Go through the path the Electro agents came out from. And don't worry about any security cameras, I got it under control]

"Copy that." Rain X pulled a piece of clothing that was wrapped around his neck to cover his face before proceeding further.

[Thank you for helping me out]

"Don't mention. Besides, I also want to know the truth about Miss Havishma." The dark-haired man stood in front of a door that needed a passcode to unlock.

"Err, we've got a problem, Rory."

[Oh god no.]

"The door requires a code to unlock. Or if you are in possession of the bypass key Chief and Miss Havishma have, that could also unlock the door," Rain X stated. "Or I could overload it." The dark-haired man placed his hand over the lock. He inhaled and exhaled before letting a small amount of electricity form around his hand.

[No, stop. You might set off the alarm…]

The lock sparked lightly before the door released a soft hissing sound and slowly slid open. "It worked, I'm in."

The Rain agent walked into the room. The only light in the room was the red and blue beeping light from the long box-like devices all around the place. "Okay," he exclaimed softly as he recalled what Rory had told him earlier.

"That's exactly what I was planning, but I need your help," Rory requested. "Miss Havishma is heading down to Winter Weir so we'll have some time to see the plan through."

"Okay. What is this plan?"

The golden-haired girl tapped her watch and an elaborated image of the Department H spaceship projected out. "I put a lot of thought into it and this is all I could come up with," she started. "You sneak up to the powerhouse and use your electrokinesis to destroy the power supply. By doing that, every power here will be out; the CCTVs, hopefully, Aix and all the secured doors too will get unlocked, that's how you'll get into Miss Havishma's pad and get the computer."

"Wait," the dark-haired man chipped. "You want me to destroy the power supply? Won't that cause the ship to collapse?"

Rory shook her head no. "My mom told me when I was younger, plus I asked one of the White agents and he revealed to me that because of how big the Department H's ship is, they had to separate the part for the energy keeping the ship afloat and the normal energy needed."

"But why don't I just use my powers to destroy the lock in Miss Havishma's pad? That'll be easier right?" Asked the Rain agent.

"After the recent attack on Aix's mainframe, the White agents can now detect where exactly the problem's from. So if you destroy the powerhouse, that will not only create panic and give us access to the pad but also have the agent focused on one place. Plus the elevator would be out of action and only those on this floor would be a burden."

The dark-haired man sent shockwaves of electricity from his body which caused the machines to explode instantly, and the wave from the explosion sent him flying out of the place.

Immediately the machines exploded, the lighting in the place switched to red, followed by a blaring sound that reverberated through the metallic walls of Department H, alerting everyone on the ship. The dark-haired man quickly got up on his feet and disappeared around a corner. The moment he took the corner, he found himself face-to-face with Ace McClain.

"Who the hell are you?" Without waiting for a reply, Ace lunged his hand forward to grab the dark-haired man's collar.

Rain X managed to grab Ace's hand with his left. He stayed that way, looking intensely into Ace's eyes. As he stared at him, the burning desire to punch him rises in his body and the dark-haired man succumbed to it. He clenched his fist and dropped a heavy right on the blonde-haired man. Ace staggered backward in shock. He pulled out his gun and shot at his opponent. Rain X dodged all the shots while moving closer to the agent. He dropped an uppercut to his jaw which caused the electro agent's thick-framed glasses to fly out of his face.

The dark-haired man towered over Ace before fleeing the scene, leaving the knocked-out agent motionless on the ground.

Rain X reached for his ear but didn't feel the communication device he had on just a few moments ago. He stopped and turned to the direction he came through, contemplating whether or not to return. He groaned loudly and continued forward.

A few moments later, Rain X stopped in front of Miss Havishma's pad. He slowly pushed the door and stepped into the pad. The room was only lit with the red light and he could barely see anything. As he turned to the location Rory mentioned her mother's laptop to be, he caught the sight of a figure standing behind the table in the pad. The room suddenly lit up with its normal light and the dark-haired man could now see who the figure was.


"What are you doing here?" Sox questioned, already recognizing who it was from his voice. Rain X pulled down the cloak and the clothing that was around his face. "I could ask you the same thing"

The dark-haired man took a few steps closer to the table Sox was standing by. He looked down at the computer on the table to see a drive connected to it. Sox immediately pulled it out and slipped it into her pocket. "You shouldn't be in here."

"Well, I am here now. And it looks like you're also here to get something," the Rain agent gestured at her hand that was still in her pocket.

"Shit," the blue-eyed lady cussed under her breath.