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End of a Moment

Miss Havishma pulled the electro agent back and stepped forward to take the strike.

Venus narrowed her eyes as she moved closer, her sword only inches away from hitting the dark-haired woman.

"Something is wrong," she thought to herself.

> Some years back.

Venus checked her gun to make sure it was fully loaded before ordering her fellow Ghost members to move forward. They were on an alien planet with a mission to eliminate a position that had been causing trouble for their planet.

"Something feels wrong," she muttered to herself before signaling the men behind her to secure the other rooms in the building.

The architecture of the building was like nothing they had back on their home planet. It was as though with every step they took, the layout switched and they found themselves in a completely different environment, leaving Venus and her subordinates lost and confused.

"Chapman?" She spoke.

"We've lost contact with the ship," the Ghost agent named Chapman revealed. "I think the enemy knows we are here."

Venus gritted her teeth and scoffed. "I knew it, I knew those rats won't just stay and watch us do our thing."

She raised her hand, signaling for the rest of the team to stop. She remained that way and quiet for a while before making another hand sign.

The other Ghost members pulled back and went in a separate direction, leaving the mint green-haired woman to continue alone.

Venus stopped after taking a few steps forward and slid her gun on the ground. As the gun slid to the other side, it activated a trap that was set, revealing the many lasers that cut the gun into pieces.

"I knew it." She quickly pulled out her sword and turned to parry a huge stick that was lunged at her by a man dressed in the native wear of the planet. "You damn cowards."

"Ecidrawoc ton si ti… you fool," he spoke in his home language before forcing his opponent back.

The mint green-haired lady slipped her sword back into its scabbard and morphed into her battle stance, waiting for the man to charge. Her opponent did as she wanted and he moved forward, with his weapon in front of him. A smile crept up Venus' lips as a white line only she could see appeared a few steps in front of her. She waited patiently until her opponent's feet stepped past the line. She tightened the grip on her sword and pulled.

Just as Venus' sword was only inches away from making contact with the Chief of Department H, stripes of red light appeared around the latter's oversuit.

Venus' weapon bounced over an invisible energy shield that only became visible after the sword made contact with it. The shield was projected from the oversuit Miss Havishma had on and it exploded, releasing a strong gust of wind that sent everything on the outside flying back.

The electro-agent looked around with his eyeballs almost falling out of their socket out of shock. "What just happened?

"A new defense system I created." Miss Havishma turned and started towards one of the vehicles that only took a little damage from the wind. She stopped once she had opened the door and turned around to Electro 28. "Return to the ships and have them begin preparation to leave, we are going home."




The Realm.

The People and everyone involved in the Prime meeting entered the room to resume the ongoing meeting.

Damiano kept grinning from ear to ear as he sat on the Prime seat, obviously eager to reveal the details of the sitting between himself and the People.

"I've sat with the People, and we have conversed the issue brought up by Miss Havishma's 'representatives'." He paused and turned to Galliard who nodded with a small smile.

The caramel-haired man turned to the others and continued. "Signed and will be taken on from this moment, the Prime will have a total of eleven years to govern this planet, and after the tenure is over, the People will sit and have a meeting if a new election should be held, or should the current Prime carry on for another eleven years."

"Isn't that a little too much?" Madeline chipped.

"Absolutely not," Damiano said with a smile lingering on his lips. "That way, a good working Prime will be able to continue to lead the planet in a great path."

The meeting continued with several more issues brought up and tackled immediately and finally, it ended.

"Scarlett, a minute," Damiano called out.

The sky blue-haired girl stopped and veered around to face the Prime. Commander Ringworm also stopped.

"I'd like to thank you both for being in this meeting," he started. "You both helped me secure a perfect future, I couldn't be more grateful."

"Err…" Scarlett drawled. "We only did what Miss Havishma asked of us, your thanks or whatever should be directed towards her."

"It will, if she do return to Winter Weir…" he paused for a second. "Safely."

He shoots them a smile before walking past them, leaving the two alone in the room. Scarlett turned to the Commander of the Star Fleet with her brows crooked. "Is it just me or did it feel like he just put out a threat."

"He did. I'll send a warning to Miss Havishma."




The dark-haired man sat on the ground in the middle of the scene where he fought off the masked opponent with Sox standing over him.

His hands were bonded with the neutralizer made by the Blue team and his eyes peeled into his palm. "I remember now," he started. "What happened to everyone in Serenova?" He queried.

Sox hid her gun behind her back before curbing down to his level. "You took the lives of many on that Island, Rohan."


"She is in critical condition, I doubt there's anything the Blues can do to save her."

"I…" he stopped as his vision slowly started to fade. "I still can't control it... After all--- this years."

Sox quickly moved forward and grabbed his body before he hit the ground. She placed his head on her lap before hesitantly caressing his face and using her index finger to move his hair from his face. "Rest, Rohan, rest."

A car stopped at the scene and Miss Havishma stepped out of it. She moved to where Sox was while sparring a glance at Luna and Phoenix who were being held down by the agents.

"You got him," she said, standing over the deep blue-haired lady. Havishma's neutral expression turned into a frown as she noticed Sox's hand on the dark-haired man's face.

"He is hurting," she stated while still caressing his face. Sox raised her head to look at Miss Havishma who had her hands in her pocket. "The things he said… I don't know."

Miss Havishma turned her back to the deep blue-haired lady. "Move him to the car, I do not want to waste any more seconds on this planet." She walked over to the masked man with a small smile lingering over her lips.

"You still stand," she started. "I guess I can call this test a success." She nodded and a Red agent moved forward and stabbed a syringe into the masked man's neck, causing him to fall into his arms. "Take him away," she ordered.

"Let's move it people, the ship should be here any moment now." She walked past the twins without sparing them a glance.

"Did they just… ignore us?"

Phoenix got up and pulled her sister with her. "Let's go. This is our chance to leave."

The older chestnut brown-haired twin pulled out a dagger from her boot and got up on her feet, posing to charge at Miss Havishma who had her back to her.

Phoenix grabbed her sister and pulled her back. "Don't, Luna. Let's leave while we can."

She stabbed Miss Havishma with her eyes before disappearing into the shadows. Miss Havishma looked at them through her peripheral vision as they ran through the shadows before turning to Percy who had just arrived with the rest of the Winter Weir agents that were not on the ship.

Meanwhile, Venus groaned as she managed to pick herself up, looking around at her partners lying unconscious on the ground. She turned to see Ada who shook her head disappointedly.

They both raised their heads to the sound of the spaceships that flew past their location.

Amaya walked forward and looked up at the sky. "Something is approaching this planet at a very high speed," she revealed while pressing her index finger to her temple.

"I warned you all of this," Yvonne said while approaching them with Marcus following behind her.

"I…" Venus opened her mouth to speak but couldn't make out any words. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she noticed the sky turning red.

Yvonne inched forward and continued. "They only wanted him. We should have just let them do what they wanted and they'll be on their way, but none of you listened to me."

The Head of Earth strolled to a boulder and sat on it. "There's no point bickering about it now," he started. "Those damn Weirs destroyed all our ships so we have no means of escaping this disaster."

Ada laughed softly and held her hand behind her back while stretching. "Ah damn… I didn't get to give that guy a piece of my mind for almost killing me on the Island." She sighed.

"This can't be the end," Yvonne clenched her fist and looked up at the sky. It had become even brighter that she had to squint her eyes. "Amaya, isn't there a way we could survive this?"

There was a moment of silence before the yellow-haired AI spoke. "I can't make any calculation at the moment, I apologize for being useless."

Ada walked over to where Yvonne was and placed her hand on her shoulder. "Give her a break. She's probably running different scenarios of how we could get through this alive." She dropped her hand and continued forward. "Well, I'm going for a walk, see you all… later."

Back at Dominic's mansion.

The members of the McCarthy family stepped out of the mansion and gazed up at the sky as it continued to turn into a darker shade of red with multiple dots of light inching closer, it was like multiple meteors dropping from the sky.

"¿Qué diablos estoy haciendo?"

"Padre!" Luna yelled before approaching the bald old man.

"What is happening?" He asked.

"The foreigners," she started, I heard them saying something about launching a Moonfour gun, the star Yvonne wanted us to help take over."

"She didn't say it was strong enough to destroy planets," one of Dominic's sons stated.

"Where is Rohan?" Chapta asked.

"They took him."

The bald old man took out a cigarette and moved it to his mouth before turning his heels for the house. "Well, I'm going to have my last drink."

Chapta looked back at Hazel who averted her eyes away from the brown-haired woman, feeling ashamed of what she did.

Phoenix moved closer to her twin and wrapped her hands around hers. "I missed the days when we worked as assassins."



"I know the answer to your riddle," Luna stated. She clenched her fist as she watched the first of the projectiles that were falling from the sky hit the ground.

"That's a first, you figuring out the answer to my riddle."

It was at a very far distance from the mansion but they felt the tremble beneath their feet and could see the large mushroom cloud that rose to the sky and the wind brushed past them.

"Speaks without a mouth and hears without ears. Have no body, but comes alive with the wind…" she paused for a second.

