“Oh, you are beautiful!” says Levi's mother, June, as soon as she sees me.
She is a beautiful woman, looking in her early forties, with hair the same shade as her son's burnt honey and a deeply kind face.
Her hands take mine. I remember everything I have been talking and rehearsing with Levi, and I smile at her.
“It's a pleasure to finally meet you,” I reply kindly. June has a smile that lightens the room.
“Finally!” she says, excited. “Levi has been hiding you for an eternity, but that's over now.”
Her happiness is evident. Inside I can't help but wonder, since when does she long for her son to get married?
Levi walks towards us. His smile is quiet, but sincere. He clearly enjoys seeing his mother happy.
“Please come along. You must be dead tired. Come in and I'll give you a glass of wine.”
“Thank you. That's very kind of you,” I reply.
I follow her meekly, admiring Levi's mansion in passing. Because of my position as the Alpha's daughter, I am used to luxury, but Levi's residence is on another level.
The mansion is opulent and elegant. It has high, modern ceilings from which crystal chandeliers hang. The front wall is all glass, and has incredible views of the lake and nearby woods. Everything is white, with touches of gray, blue and yellow. There is a large elegant fireplace on the right side of the house and a cascading infinity pool that is sure to look spectacular at sunrise and sunset.
“Do you like it?” June asks, and I can see she is so proud of the place, as she smiles at me.
“It's stunning,” I comment with conviction. Levi looks proud too.
Honestly, I love the place. It feels strangely like home. I can almost see myself walking around hand in hand with Levi. I blink in surprise to my own thoughts and shake them away quickly.
My fingers wander over a blue quilt that lies on the couch.
“My favorite color,” I whisper.
“Mine too,” Levi says. I look at him, thinking he hasn't heard me, but it is obvious he has.
That little fact awakened something in me. I look at him smiling then follow them through the mansion and onto the elegant terrace.
“This way, please,” Levi asks, guiding me so I could sit down. He pulls out the chair for me and waits until I sit down and set it up.
“Isn't he sweet?” asks his mother, smiling sweetly.
“He is,” I say, flattered by the way he treats me.
Levi goes to get a bottle of wine, and in the meantime his mother bombards me with questions with elegant curiosity. Luckily I have practiced this story with Levi. I understand too late that in fact the woman is anxious to know all the details about the woman who has finally won her son's heart.
“It's wonderful to see him finally in love,” June says as Levi returns. He serves wine for us and sits down, looking at us with curiosity and attention.
He is evidently analyzing my every word, trying to spot a flaw in the story before it happens so he can cover it up. But luckily, it doesn't happen.
“I was very surprised to learn that Levi was in love. I mean, he never showed interest in anyone,” June assures me. “Not even when he was young.”
“I was waiting for the right woman,” Levi affirms, exchanging a look with me that makes my pulse race.
The intensity in his eyes is so sincere that for a moment I can't help but think it can't be faked.
“I would have spent my life waiting for him if I knew he existed,” I affirm with my eyes on his face. Levi smiles with pleasure. It is obvious that he likes my interpretation of the role.
His mother also seems deeply pleased. In less than an hour she asked about me, my tastes, my family.
Her gaze keeps wandering from one to the other. She sighs after taking a sip of wine and says.
“I find it incredible that Levi has been able to keep you two a secret for so long. He looks so in love,” another sigh from her. “And I thought I would notice if my son fell in love.”
I can't help but giggle. June is a sweet and dreamy woman, in my opinion.
“Now that you will be with us, I would like us to plan a party to celebrate your union. Since I was unable to attend the wedding.”
“Of course,” Levi answers immediately, and then stands up. “But, for now, Amber and I want to go to sleep. We have had a very long day.”
June immediately stands up too.
“Of course! How silly. You must be exhausted. Don't worry, I've got everything ready. Come with me.”
She looks at me smiling. I try to stand up then, but because of the position I have been sitting in, my feet are gone numb.
I think I am going to fall. The heels have played a trick on me. Too high and too thin heeled, I think as I feel myself slipping. But then a hand holds me, and when I turn my face I find Levi.
He moves with spectacular speed to hold me down. Moreover, he must have been watching me very carefully to notice that I had slipped.
“Are you all right?” he asks as he helps me get settled.
“Yes, I think so,” my lips quirk up into a small painfully smile. “I twisted my ankle a little bit because of the heels, that's all.”
“Come, sit down,” he says.
Levi helps me settle into the chair and then crouches down beside me. His fingers slowly move up my foot and up to my ankle, gently releasing the straps of my heels.
He eases them off of me, then, as if it is nothing, he stands up and carries me. His movement is nimble, quick and precise. My hands wrap around his neck as I stare at him in amazement and with my heart pounding.
“What are you doing?” I whisper as I start to panic. I need to remember June is watching and I need to keep my calm.
“I don't want you to get hurt,” he answers simply.
June smiles at both of us and then leads us to the room she arranged. We walk up a long flight of suspended stairs, until we reach the second floor of the mansion.
At the end of the hallway, behind double doors, the vision of the place designed to be our room unfolded for me. It looks spacious and elegant; with a huge bed and furniture that matches the room with exquisite taste. Every little detail seems to have been meticulously thought out and orchestrated.
“I really hope you enjoy your first night of marriage,” June says sweetly. I look at her as I feel my cheeks heat up.
“Wait, I had told you,” he tells his mom. “We don't have to share a room...”
“Of course you do,” she replies laughing. “You are husband and wife, after all.”
“Well, yes,” I hurry to say. “But I understand if you don't want to... Well... If you feel uncomfortable with that.”
But June lets out a soft chuckle and shakes her head.
“I'm not stupid, and I'm not going to pretend to be. Don't worry, you can rest assured. No one will bother you.”
She kisses her son goodbye and leaves at a leisurely pace. I watch her leave feeling that somehow I am trapped between the wolf and the wall.
Levi looks at me with amusement.
“Were you planning to run away from this?” he asks amused.
He carries me to the bed and carefully places me on it. I sigh, feeling that luckily my legs are already responding.
“You don't expect me to?”
“Expect... what?” he asks amused. Then he sighs. “Look, we're both adults. I'm sure we can share a room without it being a problem.”
One of his eyebrows rises, and I bite my lip in nervousness.
Well, maybe Levi is right. Either way, the room is big enough for the two of us without it being a problem.
“I guess you're right,” I murmur.
He turns his back on me then. He begins to undress smoothly, and I watch him take off his vest and then his shirt.
His back is covered in tattoos. The head of a black wolf, so detailed it almost looks real, adorns the center of his back. The rest of the intricately shaped tattoos run up and down his skin.
I wonder how far they would go? As I feel my fingers itch with eagerness to touch him.
Levi then turns around. A smile graces his lips. It is obvious he notices the effect he is having on me.
Part of me hates him for it. I nervously stand up and walk around the room, noticing that there are at least four doors.
“Which one of these is the bathroom?” I ask.
“That one over there,” he says, pointing to a door in the corner.
“Thank you,” I whisper.
I turn my back to him, thinking of going to the bathroom and take shelter there, but then Levi comes towards me.
His hand closes around my arm. His free hand starts down my back, slowly pulling down the zipper that adorns my skin. I half close my eyes and feel goosebumps arise on my skin, it’s like his touch catching me off guard.
I feel a gasp trying to escape my lips. He stops at the small of my back, at the small of my hips, just above my lingerie.
“I thought you might need a little help,” he whispers against my ear.
His warm breath sends a ripple of electricity through my body. In response, one of the straps of the dress falls down my shoulder, to the start of my breasts.
“Thank you...” I whisper.
Without waiting, I turn around and walk hurriedly into the bathroom, taking the first thing I get from my bag that someone already brought to the room, and then lock the door and try to breathe normally.
My heart is threatening to burst out of my chest. I have never felt like this before, and as strange as it seems, it terrifies me.
I keep thinking, no matter how crazy it sounds, that Levi possesses the ability to bend my own limits.