Chapter 15 : Owner of everything

“I don't really know what to believe,” I confess to Sophie. “Things with Levi are terribly confusing.”

For once, it feels good to be really honest with someone. Sophie and I find ourselves sitting on the terrace of our favorite restaurant, having lunch. In the privacy of our table I have been able to confess to my best friend, who is the only person who really understands and knows me, and I have told her everything that has happened with Levi and Sebastian since the wedding day.

Oddly enough, Sophie hasn't judged me, and has let me speak my mind, which is perhaps one of the things I appreciate most about her, as she can really understand me without criticizing me for the good or bad decisions I'm making.

“It seems to me that you need some time away from everything to clear your head,” she says after hearing my story.

I sigh.

“I need it, don't I?” I say, finishing my iced tea. Sophie nods.