Chapter 17 : The word of an Alpha

Evening has begun to fall when my phone rings.

“Hello?” I answer without even looking at the screen.

“Daughter, we need to talk to you,” my father says bluntly on the other end of the line.

I look at Sophie with a frown. I'm with her, at work. I have a clothing and makeup line, and Sophie is my assistant, so we usually spend a lot of time together.

“Dad, is everything okay?” I ask.

“Yes, but we have an urgent matter we need to discuss with you. Please come home as soon as possible.”

He hangs up without waiting for me to ask anything else. I immediately stand up.

“I will be back soon,” I affirm. “Can you take care of everything for a while?”

“Sure,” says Sophie after another look at our agenda.

Levi's mother, June, is coming then. She brings with her a plate with snacks and a bottle of red wine.

“You're an angel,” Sophie murmurs after pouring herself a glass.

June sees me as she takes the purse and coat.

“Is everything all right?” she asks me sweetly.