Chapter 22 : Not for me

Sophie’s POV

“Do we have everything?” Amber asks for the fifth time.

I remind myself to breathe before answering. For this I do my meditation routines, I tell myself.

“Amber, you can be sure we have everything ready,” I answer calmly.

“The suitcase is too small,” she says then.

“We are going to California,” I remind her. “Your suitcase is small because right now all you have is winter clothes. But I have made appointments with the best brands. In a few hours you will have a new closet.”

She sighs and begins to massage her temples. She is obviously anxious.

“Remind me why I'm doing this,” she says. I place my hands on her shoulders.

“Because your husband asked you to accompany him to this big Alpha event and you're willing to go and shine like the best of the Lunas.”

“I'm not his Luna,” Amber says biting her lower lip.