Chapter 53 : Threats made, favors requested

**Amber’s POV

“We need to act now. Our men are in position. We don’t want to use force unless absolutely necessary. The goal here is to get Elliot out alive with minimal bloodshed.”

“Minimal bloodshed?”

Sophie pales at the mention of shedding blood. We have been friends for so long that I can feel her fear. I hug her to steady her.

“Yes, minimal. Hopefully none at all. But we can’t count on that. We don’t know this pack. I thought I did, but clearly I was mistaken if they were willing to abduct my Beta, matter what the purpose. We need to be prepared.”

“I’ll go in first. Amber and Sophie, you follow me. August you come in last. There will be four of us, which is good. But we don’t know how many we’re facing. Or why we’re facing them, for that matter.”