Chapter 75 : On the same side

Chapter 75: On the same side

**Levi’s POV

“Wow, this is amazing,” Stan says contentedly, “Thank you so much for inviting me to dinner!”

Stan is so happy it’s heartwarming. And my mom seems to be having a great time talking to him about the Knights Templar and his idea of where the Holy Grail might be.

“We’re happy to have you,” I tell him truthfully, “And besides, finding someone who can speculate with my mother about what really happened that Friday the 13th with the Knights Templar is terrific for all of us. I mean, I know a little about it, but my knowledge is nowhere near as- exhaustive as yours, that’s for sure!”

“He knows EVERYTHING,” my mother exclaims happily, “Where have you been hiding this delightful man?”

I’m thinking that he’s probably just been hanging out in a library somewhere. However, I like Stan, and I don’t want to take a chance on hurting his feelings.