Chapter 79 : Nothing but vengeance

Chapter 79: Nothing but vengeance

**Sebastian’s POV

“Sebastian, you have failed us,” the boss informs me, with an air of disappointment,”You told us that this plan was foolproof. Now our man is dead, and you’ve ruined our opportunity to kill the brother. They will be on their guard now.”

This is the phone call that I’ve been dreading. I didn’t anticipate Ivan getting away. I thought I had him. I knew that idiot would show up for his beloved sister. My guy had silver bullets and the element of surprise. And Ivan’s temper always gets the better of him. I assumed he would get so angry that he wouldn’t be able to think clearly. How the hell did this happen? I need to fix this or I’m never going to get what I deserve!

“I’m sorry, boss. It was a miscalculation,” I tell him, and I am, “I won’t make the same mistake again.”