Chapter 77 : A bad feeling

Chapter 77: A bad feeling

**Amber’s POV

“Do you think he can control his temper long enough to do this,” Levi asks me about Ivan, with concern in his voice, “I know that he wants to help, but do you think he’s capable of it?”

I can see why my mate is worried. Ivan has always been a little high strung. And they almost came to blows the other night. However, I have faith in my brother. He has never let me down when I needed him most.

“I do, my love,” I tell my mate, “In fact, I know he can. He might have a bit of a temper-”

“Might have a temper,” Levi says, “Really, my love?”

My husband raises his eyebrows for emphasis, and I can’t help but laugh.

“Ok, yes, he has a temper,” I tell him, conceding his point, “Ivan will be the very first one to admit that. However, he knows the seriousness of what we are trying to do. He won’t let us down. I know he won’t. Besides, if I didn’t think he could do it I would have forbidden him from participating.”