Chapter 81: Benefit of the doubt
**Levi’s POV
“I can’t trust August right now,” I tell Andrew, “I want to. I don’t want to believe that he’s capable of this, but I’m just not sure. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help in moving back to our own house.”
We are moving the last of the boxes back to our home. I just couldn’t stomach the idea of living in that place when I no longer trust the person who owns it. I’m grateful that Amber went along with this whole thing. I’m pretty sure that she thinks I’m overreacting, and I may be. But better safe than sorry.
“Where do you want the dishes, boss,” Andrew asks me, tiredly, “This is the last of it.”
“Thank you, just put them down here,” I tell him, “I’ll put them in the kitchen later. Go get some rest. You’ve worked hard today, and I greatly appreciate your help.”
“No problem,” Andrew responds, with obvious relief. “Hey, do you know who’s on guard duty tonight?”