Chapter 86 : The Goddess is always right

Chapter 86: The Goddess is always right


Amber’s POV

“William, it’s so wonderful to see you again,” I tell him, surprised to see him again so soon, “How are you feeling?”

It’s only been a few days since William and I had lunch, and the change in him is amazing. Apart from his obvious grin, he looks so much stronger and healthier than he did only days ago.

“I’m feeling amazing,” he says with a huge smile, “I haven’t had a single headache since I saw you. And I did what you said. I went to the doctor. It’s gone, completely gone. They couldn’t explain it. Said they had never seen anything like it!”

“I’m so glad,” I tell him, “I was worried about you, but I didn’t want to pry. How is everything with your fiance? Is the wedding still on?”