Chapter 89 : Taking after their mother

Chapter 89: Taking after their mother


Amber’s POV

“My love, you are already the best husband and father ever,” I tell my husband, “You don’t need to buy out the entire toy store to prove it!”

We both regard the pile of toys my mate has brought home today. Stuffed wolves of every size and color, some of them far too big for our newborns. Which my husband knows. Mobiles, teddy bears, so many other puffy creatures that I can’t even readily identify. I think some are from television shows, but I’m really not sure. There’s just so many of them.

“I couldn’t help it,” he tells me sheepishly, “They are just so cute. And I couldn’t decide what to get so I just got it all.

“It’s sweet,” I tell him, kissing his cheek, “And I really do like that huge wolf with the happy smile. He just looks so friendly!”

“I know, right? He’s great,” my husband says with a grin, “And you haven’t even seen the clothes yet!”