Chapter 115 : Once in a lifetime

Chapter 115: Once in a lifetime


Amber’s POV

“So what is on the agenda today,” I ask my mate as I refill both of our coffee cups, “And how are you feeling?”

We are relaxing over breakfast on the balcony connected to our room. The events of last evening were so incredibly intense that I didn’t even notice its existence until this morning. When I got up to make coffee, I noticed the sliding glass door in the kitchen. It’s a beautiful spot, with potted flowers and ancient stonework along the perimeter. There’s even a grinning gargoyle crouching under the leaves. He appears to be more friendly than ferocious. I like him.

“I feel wonderful, thanks to you,” he replies with a sexy grin, “Last night was magic.”

Our evening of caviar and champagne was incredible. My love has given me a whole new appreciation for the hors d'oeuvre. However, as my husband was shot before all that occurred, I want to ensure that he is still feeling well before we make our plans for the day.