CHAPTER 16: Rent is Due!

  A quick glance into the apartment convinced Conor to stay away that night. His room had apparently been volunteered to his mother-in-law. Thankfully, Yuri’s mother never seemed to mind when he was over, and she was still working all night shifts until her new position started.

  The next morning, when he woke up, it took Conor a minute to remember where he was. He rolled off the thin pallet Yuri had helped him make on the floor and stretched. He glanced at the clock and swore. He was going to be late for the Grizlhut shift again.

  Rushing out the door, he passed Yuri’s mom, just getting back from her shift.

  “Conor? Were you playing games all night? Yuri really needs sleep. I had hoped you would be a better influence on him!”

  “Sorry, Miss. Lochman. I really have to go, or I will be late.”

  Conor sprinted through the door, Miss. Lochman frowned in disapproval as he left.

  When he arrived at the GrizlHut, Cara was already prepping ingredients.