In her fighting stance. "Who are you?" she asked. Did Dark send them?

  "We are Fleur and our King has sent us to you." they answered in unison.

  "Why will Dark send you to me?"

  "We are here to teach you how to pleasure yourself, my Princess."

  "What!?" Raziah's eyes were as wide as a socket.

  "Our beloved King sent us to you. We are here to teach you how to pleasure yourself for him." One of the demon ladies replied to her.

  "You must be out of your mind," Raziah said in anger. "I can pleasure myself, thank you so leave before I kill you." she threatened.

  The three ladies smiled. "Raziah, right? we are here to teach you how to pleasure yourself as instructed by Dark himself." the middle lady told her. "You are going to watch how we touch our bodies and learn so that you can please our King."

  "One step close to me and you will see the stuff that I am made off."

  "He told us you might refuse and gave us permission to force you."