Chapter 32: So Beautiful Yet Domineering

(POV Of The Owner Of The Green Eyes)


She... She's so beautiful. Her milky white delicate face can make any Shan's heart flutter whether he's engaged or not.

Specially that long, slender neck of hers. It's so eye captivating.

And even though her dress is a little bit weird, but it suits her well. It was just adding more to her beauty. And the way her long legs and arms were exposed to my eyes, I feel like if I could I would hide them in my shedded skin.

Not only her face, but her hands amd legs were also attractive and they look so delicate as if I squeeze them hard, milk would come out from each of her body parts.

And her body curves.... God! Do I even need to describe that?

Absolutely Perfect & Attractive.

The way that animal skin was hugging her so tightly, I wish if I could make her wear my shedded skin and it could hug her more tightly, to satisfy my hungry eyes, of course.

I always used to think that Sofia was the most beautiful Shasha that I had ever met, but who would have thought my fated one would beat her in beauty.

As she turned, I got a clear view of her face. Her eyes are so big and watery, just like a one-year old cub who has started to see the world, her nose is small but cutely sharp, her cheeks looked so soft and smooth that I found my hands were itching to touch and squeeze them, and as for those plumpy, pink lips, they appeared so juicy that my mouth immediately started to water as soon as my eyes fell on them, that I badly want to have a taste.

And that anxious look in her eyes, it's so gorgeous that it was making her more beautiful, but I badly wish that, that look of hers was more me. That, her focus was on me at the moment, not on anyone else.

Still, I didn't like that worried expression of hers. She's a rare crystal who is needed to be protected from all. She's so beautiful and delicate that-

My description of her abruptly stopped the moment I saw her small delicate fist sent that Kevi b*stard flying in the air with a huge arc.


What the hell was that?

Did she just... Just use that little hands on Kevi and make such a huge impact?!

I suddenly felt an extreme pain in my eyes and only then did I realize that I was looking at her with such wide eyes that my eyes would have really popped up from my eye socket and fall on the ground!

God! This is cheating!

She appears so beautiful and delicate, then how could she have so much of strength?!

And the way how that wolf was flinching while getting up from the ground, I was d*mn sure that, that punch of hers was no joke!

Kevi was the next leader of the Wolf Territory of the Tetrad Tribe as he was the most powerful in this territory.

Who would have thought that a weak looking Shasha would be better than him?!

And the way, that bear and lion Shans were looking at her, I was sure that I wasn't the only one who had got a huge shock!

Afterall, Shashas are the weakest creature who are only good looking and nothing, yet they are the cruelest ones among all the beasts. If not for the shortage of them, would we, Shans still have to tolerate them!

Yet, one should never forget that, Shashas are just weak in strength, but they are strongest when it comes to scheming and manipulating.

But looking at this Shasha in front of my eyes, I've a deep hunch that she's a complete package of all things. Not only she has awe-striking looks, am sure she also has many tricks up her sleeeve. And that punch was one of them.

Hehe! That's awesome!

I thought as an idea suddenly occurred to me.

Since this Shasha here is my fated one, I and she can bit this wolf b*stard up together in the future. It'll be really exciting to have such a cute-looking fighter Shasha by my side.

I bet no one is as unique as her and she's going to bring many exciting changes in my dull life.

But, the way she's reacting for that damn grey wolf, I really felt my blood was getting boiled as my body started to give out steam. I felt a strong killing intent was rising inside of me, as it tried to strangle that grey wolf.

Grey wolf.... Right?

There's only one wolf with that colour in this region.... He might be that white b*stard's brother, grey b*stard!

Umm.. what was his name again?!

Kar... No! Kal... No! Kai!

Ahh! Yes! Kyle!

Hmph! He's more annoying tgat his brother!

I really want to-

The progression of my words froze in the middle, when a sudden drama unfold in front of my eyes. And those things happened so fast, that I almost missed that joy and satisfaction in me.

Sofia and two of her mates, Gerry and Zad made their entry in their disheveled selves. And I'm sure they were making out somewhere nearer, which I failed to sense, since I was focusing on My Fated SHASHA.

They might have heard the commotion here and so they planned to check out. But what brought me the joy and satisfaction to my burning inner self was that cool punch to those wicked b*stards.

Ahh! How I wish she could punch them more and cripple them! Let them be disabled for the rest of their lives.

But still, it's okay! I don't want her to touch them much. Their skins were really thick, specially that rhinos. She might get affected from their thick-skin disease!

Yet, her care and worry for that grey wolf b*stard was really testing my patience. For a moment, I wished him to die faster so that she could spare a moment at me. And then I regretted it... I regretted my that wish. Because...

As soon as Sofia told her, it's hopeless case for that wolf to pass that phase, her face completely turned pale and there was a strong internal dilemma reflecting on her face. It appeared more like that she was the one who was dying, rather than that wolf.

And one thing I was sure and could confirm no matter what how much I hate Sofia, that her healing skills were the best. If she could save a life, she would do her best, even if the survival hope was too little. And by looking at the devastated Shasha, I was sure that her thoughts also matched mine.

For a moment, I even got scared when she turned quiet, and thought some stupid possibilities!

Is she... is she going to kill herself if that wolf dies?

As, after staying with Sofia for so long, I know what that look that was currently portraying on my fated one means.

Afterall, Sofia reacts the same whenever one of her mates would get extremely injured. And that was the main reason why I couldn't give up on her before.... Her love and devotion to her mates.... that I also wanted to get a share of.

No! No! Please! Don't be like that, Shasha!

I don't want to lose you, just when I found you. Please!

I decided to come out from my hiding place just after everyone dispersed from that place and I was sure no one was around anymore.

But strangely, my movements stopped when I saw that strange behaviour of hers and how I felt a strong energy accumulating around the place where she was sitting, as a rapid wind started to blow there.

And then, I felt my eyes again popping out when I witnessed how those deep bite wounds on that wolf's body started to heal.

I felt that I was stopped in my tracks by an invisible force as I watched the scene unfold. And then...


She fell on the ground but she wrapped her arms tightly around that Wolf as if she was afraid he would run away the moment he got up.

And then only I released the breath that I didn't notice I was holding for so long!

"She's... She's really unique!" I murmured as I gulped nervously, "Truly unique!"

I didn't know why but I suddenly felt a little scared of her. She's not only strong but possessed such great powers that if she wants then she can overturn this world within few seconds.

"Oh no! She fell unconscious on that very ground! How could such a great Shasha lie on the ground! No matter how strong she is, she's still a Shasha. I bet she takes a lot of care to her skin, so lying on the ground is absolutely against her conscience!"

[A/N: Haha! Your Shasha has grown up with hardships and can even spend three days without bathing! Are you sure, lying on the ground is against her conscience? Well, then again, you just saw her and didn't know her well. Your thoughts are not too wrong!]

I thought as I was about to go near her and for the first time I was about to see her close and I could feel that excitement in my body was growing bigger and bigger.

But I stopped when I felt a sudden movement and that wolf b*stard woke up, to come again in my way.

Did these two brothers were born only to anger me or what?! Always getting in my way!

My initial plan was interrupted and so, I only saw how he got up and took her away from my sight.

I swear I really wanted to strangle that annoying Shan with my tail and throw him away from my Shasha just like how she had thrown away those Shans a few moments ago.

But I stopped only because I got a good information from him before he left and that was enough to make my day.

And that was her name... So beautiful yet domineering.... Sheea!


Hey Stars,

I wrote a new book, "You Can Only Belong To Me" and it only contains 8 chapters. As, I wanted to polish my writing skills on "18+" scenes for my two major books, "Baby, You're Mine Only" & "Loving My Mates In The Beast World", so that I can make these stories more qualitative and interesting.

So, I really request you all that if you're 18 or above, then please go and have a look at it. If you're okay with that book, I'll start to add spices like that in this book. As you can sense it by now, I'm still single and love-making chapters are really challenging for me.... ((T_T))


With love, Galaxy.