Chapter 49: Dire Embarrassing!

Sheea looked at the soft ball in her arms and then her eyes automatically found her (Lisa's) mates and her own mates (or soon-to-be). She suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

First of all, She's staying in their place and then caused such a huge ruckus by beating their own people.. (cough) beastmen.

But why did she think she's seeing something strange? Was her eyes playing tricks or did she really see helpless looks on Lisa's mates and twinkles in her mates' eyes?

"Next time, when you plan to beat someone up, please bring me with, okay? I also want to see how a Shasha can beat a Shan!"

"Oh! Oh! Okay!" Without registering what did Lisa say, she agreed but after registering... her lips went dry as her eyes twitched...

Was there a next time? Really?

As if reading Sheea's mind by seeing her cracked stoic expression, Lisa giggled. But her next words were equivalent to the bombs on human world.

"If you think you won't be beating someone up later, but your mates will be doing it, why don't you beat someone up here from the crowd? Many Shans are present here!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the crowd which appeared like a swarm of bees a momemt ago, immediately disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The disappearing crowd: "..." They're not muddle-headed yet to get beaten up on their own accord! They do have brains to think!

Lisa pouted like a child and glared at the figures who got busied in their own works. Simon came by her side and patted her head softly, "There, there! Don't create trouble here."

"I'm not creating trouble," and then glanced at Sheea like a wounded puppy.

Kyle's and his brothers' faces twitched uncontrollably, "..." Do you still remember you're a 54 years old fox? Do you?

Sheea licked her dry lips as she said, "If there's a chance in future, I'll bring you." But will you be available by then, I don't know.

Lisa smirked, and then she grabbed Sheea's hand and snaked her arm as she hugged her intimately, "Okay, it's settled then. Now let's go, I'll show you around."

"Ahem! Ahem!" A series of awkward cough could be heard from behind the two.

Lisa threateningly raised her brows and looked at the Shan beasts, "Yes?"

"That... why don't we..." Take a break for today?

Simon abruptly stopped when he noticed his mate's widening smile. That smile was clearly sweet and alluring but with his years of experience, he knows that smile means 'One more word, And he's doomed"!

So the sentence changed to:

"Why don't we accompany both of you? We can buy anything you want!"


With that the intial group of two changed to a large group of Sheea,isa and her mates, scaring the hell out of the commoners.

Meanwhile, Kyle had slipped passed to his mate's side long ago, leaving the 'others' only to walk behind the trio.

Len and Finn had also tried to slip by their mates' sides... But alas! There were too many competitors.

The only irritating thing was that no matter what Lisa and Sheea gave a second glance, the Shans would start to compete who would buy it!

God, can't they even see a thing if they aren't buying it?! If they don't see correctly, then how can they decide?

But who will make those guys understand this simple thing? Lisa had long given up on explaining such things. She only needs to sweetly smile at the ones who were going to buy the 'things'.

And as for Sheea, she just glared at Kyle's and Kevi's direction. Jemin and Len were smart and fortunately they knew the way of shopping.... But these two wolves... should she say like father like sons?

"Kevi's mate?"

A soft, soothing voice rang around the open area as the group divided into two to look at the owner of the voice.

Sheea also turned around along with Lisa and saw the voice owner. Ahh! Look! Just by her voice and she stood out among all. Ahh! Halo! Halo! It's female lead's Halo.

Still as a manner of courtesy, Sheea nodded her head.

But Lisa's hand that was snaked around her (Sheea's) arms tightened, making her (Sheea) realize Lisa also knows the things she had read in the novel. And the pressure that Lisa was giving in her arms (even though it wasn't hurting Sheea) she could tell Lisa's hostility against Sofia.

Afterall, Lisa was Kevi's mother and her child died protecting a girl who didn't cherish him neither alive nor dead.

But what can she do in it? Why is Lisa venting her anger on her arms? She came here to protect Kevi, okay?!

Sheea's eyes lightly traveled to Kevi's who was looking at Sofia with a frown, and then their (Sheea and Kevi's) eyes met. As if electrocuted, with a jump, Kevi stood by Sheea's side.

More elaborately, behind Sheea and hugging her waist while peeping at Sheea's face as if afraid Sheea would misunderstand him.

It took Sheea a lot of energy to not to burst out in laughter at the moment. She softly patted his arms on her waist to assure him she didn't misunderstand.

But Lisa... she was a masterpiece! Seeing her darling daughter-in-law coaxing Kevi who was behaving like a new born cub and Kyle who was casted aside by Kevi and was looking like he ate shits as he couldn't do anything, she burst into laughter.

Others also looked at each other, but controlled themselves. They couldn't laugh... they shouldn't laugh.

But... it was too hard. Their shoulders were trembling non-stop. Even Len and the ever stoic Jemin was also included.

The only confused people were Sheea, Kevi, Kyle, without mistakenly Sofia and her mates: "..." What the hell is going on here?

But Sofia had other things to say... more elaborately to confirm. Her first two meetings with Sheea weren't that good, but there was something about Sheea that gave her a strange familiarity and warmth. There was a strange attraction to her, but that wasn't of desire. Instead that attraction was of curiosity, get to know each other, befriend each other... that attraction.

And then, she saw her here, in the market. And looking at her clothes (which Sofia didn't notice clearly before), she could lightly conclude one thing. That... Sheea is same as her. Not a beast but a human.

So, she wanted to greet Sheea at first and try to open her up. With her socializing skills, Sofia was sure she could win Sheea on her side... But what's with this awkward atmosphere here? Could someone explain it to her?

So she again mustered up her courage and walked near her target, "Umm.. actually, I've something to ask you if you don't mind..."

"I mind," And just like that before Sheea could say anything, Kevi protested strongly.

In his mind, Sofia asked Sheea to talk somewhere private. Then she told Sheea all the things he had done for her before he met Sheea, angering Sheea till her face turned red. Then, when they returned, Sheea beat the hell out of Kevi's life and then abandoned him.

"NOOOOO!" Kevi screamed like it's the end of the world and almost hugged Sheea like a octopus, forgeting all his manner in front of others and kept on repeating, "I mind! I mind! Sheea can't talk with you!"

Seeing Kevi act like this, even though he wasn't embarrassed, others were. Specially, Lisa who was watching her son strangling her dear daughter-in-law and climbing on her body as if climbing a tree.

Embarrassing! Dire Embarrassing!

How did she never know that her son had this kind of habit?

She really needed to give each of her sons a lesson on how to treat their mate.