Chapter 61: Her Mates

Jemin took his sweet time as he felt his mate's soft breath against him.

If he could, then he would never let go of Sheea from his embrace. But he needed to clean both of them or else they would soon start to feel sticky.

Specially Sheea. After observing her for days, Jemin was sure she was a absolute believer of cleanliness and clear surroundings.

With a heavy sigh, He slowly shifted himself away from his love and planted a soft kiss on her head. She whimpered a little in her sleep as she rubbed the place where he kissed and  pouted, making chuckled at her.

He got up and went near the four coconut shells at the corner of the cave and tied them together, two at a place on each side. Then he grabbed an animal skin and went out.

But what greeted him was three paors of accused filled eyes. Specially, the eyes of certain someone which was filled with aggrievedness and looked like he would pounce of Jemin anytime.

And how could Jemin miss that chance to show off and tease his little brother.

He adjusted towards an angle and immediately three pairs of scrutinizing eyes fell on the bite mark on his shoulder left by Sheea while they were in the middle of making out.

"You-" Kyle almost pounced on the giant evil bear as his sharp claws came out from his hands. Luckily, he was stopped by Kevi, or the one beaten up would be the attacker himself.

"What? Jealous?" Jemin smirked as he started to walk towards the river.

"You! So what if I'm? How dare you to do it twice with her?" Kyle gritted his teeth so hard that Kevi and Len thought he was going to lose his teeth soon.

And even though Kevi was jealous and having scratch the bear's face even though they were brothers, he still had some rationality left with him.

Whereas, Len was the calmest. But his tightly clenched fist betrayed his smirking face.

"So what? I did twice as I showed her my true self. Not like some other Shans who are afraid to show her their true selves," Jemin said as he walked away without looking back.

"You! I'll-" Kyle again tried to pounce on Jemin. And Kevi again held him back.

So poor Kyle could only shout, "You! I'm the first husband here. Who do you think you're? We need to keep her health in mind too. You beast, you tired her out! And now what?! You, monster!"

"I'm still better than you," Jemin voice came from a little distance away as he went away almost dancingly.

"Hmmmph! Let's see if you can still spend another night with her! Hmph! You beast!"

"You're a beast too!" Jemin's voice faded voice came his figure finally vanished from the eyesight.

"You!" Kyle wanted to say something else but since the guy in question was gone, he could only vent his anger on other, "You!"

His eyes fell on Len who was standing at the side and watching a good show without logic. But with his smirk painted face, Kyle decided against it. So, he could only turn to Kevi.

"You, you, you, brother betrayer! I'm your elder! How dare you to treat me like that, huh? Is there still justice in this world? It's all because of you! If you hadn't stopped me from going in at that moment, I would have stopped them a long ago. How dare you to collude with the enemies and send that enemy to my cave? How dare you let another Shan touch what ours?"

Kyle scolded Kevi a lot as he kept on poking Kevi's forehead non-stop. Kevi very badly wanted to land a punch on this stupid brother of his, but he stopped. He didn't want to distance himself away from Sheea again for this immature brat.

Since, Kyle didn't get any response from Kevi, with a huff he left the scene and went to his cave, back to his mate.

After Kyle left, Len's cold voice followed even though he was smirking, "Tomorrow, my turn."

Kevi pursed his lips as he slowly nodded. He also wanted to throw a tantrum like Kyle and scold this sly lion. But can he? No!

His position of the next leader of the Wolf Territory was stopping him from doing that!

Afterall, more the harem members, more well can they protect Sheea.

After sometime, Jemin returned with water in four coconut shells. He had already taken his bath in the river. Now only left to clean Sheea.

So, He grabbed a clean animal skin and was about to clean her, when Kyle snatched that work from him.

He even bumped into Jemin "accidentally" as he started to wipe Sheea's exhausted body.

Jemin growled a little but still he let Kyle be. After all he was the matured one.

After cleaning her, Kyle went out to toss the coconut shells. And Kevi came to dress Sheea in her original dress which was cleaned by Lisa (who forced her mates to clean it though).

"I," Len began as he licked his lips and narrowed his eyes, "am wondering from where did she come from. Her clothes are so soft and comfortable to use. It feels like those high quality skin found with silkworm Shans. Is she perhaps..."

"Don't make stupid assumptions. Mom already told us to cherish her only and not focus on other things, specially where she came from. It upsets Sheea greatly. It's even life-threatning for her," Kyle said as he slowly adjusted at his mate's side.

"Oh! Care to tell why?" Jemin asked who got comfortable near Sheea's feet, as he yawned.

"Don't know. Maybe she'll tell us, when she's comfortable with us," Kevi said as he laid down beside Sheea.

"She won't," Kyle said as he brushed Sheea's face, "She wants to forget that."

"Oh!" Len exclaimed softly and suppresed his curiousity of knowing from where the Shasha came from who stole all of his heart and mind, while adjusting near her head.

"Okay, let's sleep now. I have a feeling that we will be seeing a new version of Sheea from tomorrow onwards." Jemin yawned.

"Mmm," And as if agreeing to his sentence, Sheea whimpered in her sleep making all of them chuckle at her naivety.




And just like how Jemin had predicted, Sheea got up early in the morning even though she was too exhausted last night.

She started to jog near hernew home and did all the basic exercises. She also did yoga a little.

And then she did her meditation, which was facing her head near the ground and her legs at the top.

So the scene, her mates saw after rising and coming out of the cave, was her meditating posture.

They were so shocked that they thought that her body had got misproportioned and even her body parts changed their places.

Jemin was the first one who snapped out of his shock as he slowly went near her.

"Sheea?" He called out softly.

No answer.

"Sheea?" Kyle who had also snapped back from his dazed state called out to her.

Again, no answer.

"Sheea?" Kevi called.

No answer (+3)

"Sheea?" Len called too.

No answer (+4)

"Boohoo! I'm sure this might be the result of that scorpion's doing. He surely might have done something. Boohoo! My Sheea! She... She has become a statue! Boohoo!" Kevi cried dramatically as he clutched Sheea's long stretched legs together.

"Who are you calling a statue? Want a beating or what?"

"Boohoo! I can still hear her lovely voice telling me she would hit me. Boohoo! I'm missing her already," Kevi said as he wiped his snots on her legs.

"You fool, if you don't let go me now, your soul will be missing your body in next second!" Sheea gritted out those words as she endured the sticky feeling of Kevi's snot on her.

"Kevi, let go of Sheea's legs. It's a kind reminder," Kyle said as he innocently moved away from his raging mate as if he didn't want to hold his mate's legs and cry like his brother too, a second ago wasn't him.

"Huh? What?" Kevi blinked as he looked at his brothers in confusion.

And then he saw that his brothers were looking at him with pity as Len "kindly" pointed at Sheea who was coldly staring at Kevi.

Kevi slowly turned to look downwards and the moment he saw that cold smile on her face as if saying, 'Come here little one, let me castrate you right here, right now.'

A shiver ran down his spine, as he slowly let go of her legs and ran behind Jemin to hide.

He was a sharp eyed wolf. How could he not notice that giant full body bear tattoo on his mate's shoulder.... She clearly feels secure with Jemin and trust him a lot.

He needs to use this chance to save himself. Afterall, a brother in need, is a brother indeed, no?



Hey stars, how were the two erotic chapters?

Did you enjoy those?

I tried hard to make it juicy...

Lemme know if you're dissatisfied anywhere. I'll change it.

And if you notice any wrong thing in the s*x part, lemme know too. My knowledge in there is still inadequate...😅😅