Chapter 114: Rise of the villians

Slowly the cloaked figure moved through the long corridors, the disgusting filled her nostrils but she managed to stay calm and push the disgusting smell out of her mind.

The dark brickstone walls were line with pipes, windings and they all looked very old.

She strode through the murky water that didn't even reach her ankles. She was pretty sure the water hide disgusting things like poop and….whatever mortals dumped in the sewers.

The sewer she was walking through was old, the walls were stained with gravity and the woman actually suspected to run into a corpse that had been rotten away since they started building the sewer system.

New York was a big city, the underground network was even bigger, years and years of building, expanding and eventually abondending of this network led to a variety of uses.

She came to a t-split, she froze for a second. She heard footsteps coming from around the corner. She grinned wildy and jumped around the corner.

As she had expected someone stood in the corridor.

He looked like a regular construction worker, except he had a kind of flat face and bulky belly.

Over his back he carried a large backpack that looked stuffed. He had a handgun hangin on his belt. The construction worker took a small package out of his backpack, it looked like some kind of lunch box wrapped with wires and it had a nice blinking light on it.

The man strapped the strange device against the wall and got ready to move again when the cloaked figure jumped in front of him.

A shotgun gun materialized in the woman's hand, it was a black shotgun made out of pure darkness. She pulled the trigger and blasted of the guy's face.

A loud bang filled the tunnel and for a second everything turned dark, when the dark flash had faded away there was nothing left except some gold dust floating in the murky sewer water.

She grinned, "Eat shit."

She followed the tunnel even furthur, she found some more of these guys and quickly took care of them, though she made sure to stay as silent as possible.

Finally, after hours of moving through boring tunnels and beating up more fake construction worker, she found the center of the network.

It looked like a regular subway station, except it was secret and had been abandoned for years. For some reason the mortals had forgotten about this place, she guessed it must have been the mist working overtime around this place.

There were no trains anymore, no more travelers. Only more construction workers. All over the place they were placing more of these strange devices. Strapping them onto the wall and doing other stuff she had no idea about.

In the middle of the room stood a large metal machine that had a lot of pipes, and looked pretty sci-fi to the woman. Though she had no idea what it did, she guessed it had something to do with air. Since there was a large van inside the construction.

She whistled and all the fake construction workers turned around, it were at least 5 of them.

They turned around in surprise. Dropping whatever they were doing and staring at the cloaked figure.

"Hi!" she said cheerfully. She raised her shotgun and pulled the trigger.

Five individual bullets shot out of the barrel, they were already black but the moment the were shot they dissolve into shadows. A second later they shadow traveled inside the construction workers stomach.

They shot straight through the belly, they exploded into a burst of black flames.

"Bye," the woman smiled as there was nothing left of them except dust.

"Eris," A voice said behind here.

The cloaked figure grinned and turned around, her shotgun dissolved into shadows.

Behind her stood the man she had been looking for.

The thing that stood out the most was his mask, it was a white bag with two eye holes cut in them, black paint surrounded the eye holes so it looked like he had eye sockets.

A red psychotic smile was painted across the hole for the mouth.

The rest of his clothes were just casual, a white shirt with blood stains and ragged jeans. He looked so fragile Eris had the idea this guy would die the moment he tried to jump.

"Ah," Eris grinned, "The one I have been looking for."

"What are you doing here?" The fearman asked, not sounding scared at all. Just amused.

Eris gave the man a disgusted look, "I'm dragging you in chains back to Tartarus."

"Why?" He simply replied, tilting his head so it looked like he was smiling.

Erias waved her left hand, shadows from all over the room pulled towards her. They merged together for a few seconds before fading away, revealing a metal orb.

It was broke and had wires sticking out all over it but you could clearly see it was once a metal ball.

Eris smirked, "It wasn't hard to figure out who was making a fear serum." she rolled her eyes, "I don't know why your terrorizing the mortals but it comes to an end."

The fear man stepped closer, "So you figured it out, you are a smarter than the other gods I see."

Eris growled, her eyes burning red for a moment, "Don't even try flattering me. I'll drag you back to the Mansion of Night so you can enjoy your punishment."

The fear man chuckled, which annoyed Eris.

"Why are you laughing?" Eris snapped.

"Don't you want to know why we are creating a fear gas?" He innocently asked, knowing that Eris couldn't resist her curiosity.

"I don't care," Eris lied through her teeth, then she began to smile. "But I can torture it out of you."

The Fearman instead snapped his fingers, a document appeared in his hands. Written with blood was written on it. Project Skyfall

He tossed it to Eris who caught it with one hand.

"What is this?" Eris asked glaring at him.

"Read it," He said, "Then you'll find out why were are making this."

Eris scowled at him but nonetheless opened the document. As she began skipping through the pages her eyes widened, she began to feel pale and a cold shiver ran up her spine.

She looked up and glared at the man who hadn't bothered to run away or try to attack her.

"This is false," Eris snapped but she knew the man could smell her fear, she recomposed herself and grinned. "The events you describe are not possible."

The man didn't say anything, instead a new document had appeared in his hands.

Written with black ink on the page were four words Dethroned wolf

He tossed it to Eris who quickly opened it, reading through it. As she did she felt her heart stop beating.

Once she had reached the final page, she dropped to the floor.

The man in front of her had changed, two gigantic demon wings were sticking out of his back, his eyes were now burning ash pits, his flesh was torn apart and revealed a bloody rib cage.

She was no longer standing in an abandoned subway station, now she was standing in the burning remains of Olympus.

Temples were burning in the distance and she saw gods and goddesses running around in panic., it was like she was on a battlefield. Monsters roamed through the city of the Gods, a giant dragon was in the sky, spitting fire.

Eris stared in horror at her surroundings, "Why are you showing me this?" she murmured in shock.

The man in front of her chuckled, "Fear. I want your fear."

With disgust he looked at the goddess in front of him, she was frozen in fear. Literally.

He turned around to face the construction workers he had brought with him.

"What should we do with her?" One of them asked.

He shot a final glance at the goddess of strife, then he turned to his men. "Blow this place up. She might have informed others about this place."

The man in front of him flinched, stepping backwards a bit. "Are you sure? I mean we aren't-"

"I'm sure." The fear man repeated, sounding annoyed. "Blow this place to hell."


She twisted the spear in her hand, it was a formidable spear. Even she had to admit it.

Of course, the king of the gods wouldn't want anything less, the she twisted Gungnir and plunged it into the ground underneath her.

"For the honest finder," she muttered.


Percy frowned when the the air in front of him began to shimmer, he stepped backwards and a second later he was met with an Iris message. He briefly wondered who would be calling him until the image of a young woman appeared.

Percy grinned, the moment he recognized her. "Medusa!" Percy cried out, "What's up?"

The moment Percy said that he knew something was wrong, Medusa's eyes were red, like he had been crying.

"What's wrong?" Percy asked concerned.

"Loren," Medusa muttered, "She's gone."


Randolph had seen the god of lies a dozen times before – when Loki had chosen to send his essence to Midgard – but it was always a shock – those brilliant eyes, the hair like flames, the ruined lips and the scars across his nose.

He was unnaturally handsome and unnaturally terrifying in equal measure.

"You've come to kill me, I expect." Randolph tried to remain calm, but his heartbeat still pulsed in his ears. "Why did you wait this long?" Loki spread his hands magnanimously.

"I didn't want to be hasty. I needed to see how things played out. It's true you failed. I could kill you, but you might still be useful. After all, I still have something you want."

The god rose from the desk and opened his hand. Above his palm, flames flickered, consolidating into the miniature shapes of a woman and two girls. They writhed in the fire, reaching out to Randolph, silently pleading.

Only Randolph's cane kept him from collapsing. "Please. I tried. I didn't – I didn't anticipate the dwarf and the elf, that cursed Valkyrie. Or the damned Greek. You didn't tell me –"

"Randolph, my dear friend …" Loki closed his hand, extinguishing the fire. "I hope you're not making excuses?"

"No, but –"

"I'm the master of excuses. You'd have to try really hard to impress me. Just tell me, do you still want your family returned?"

"Of – of course.' 'Oh, good. How nice. Because I'm not done with you. Nor am I done with that little boy Magnus."

"But he has the sword. He stopped your plan."

Loki grinned, "he stopped a facet of my plan. But in return he gave me something so much more valuable."

"You mean-" Randolph cracked.

Loki's hand lunged forward and pushed themselves onto his face.

Randolph smelled the poison before he felt it. Acrid steam curled into his nostrils.

His face erupted in white-hot pain. He fell to his knees, his throat seizing up in shock.

He tried to pull away, but Loki's hand stayed stuck in place.

"You still failed my friend," Loki whispered softly. Then he pulled his hands away and grinned.

"But not all hope is lost, all the weapons are here."

Randolph gasped for air, the pain hasn't faded away,for a split moment he had experienced the pain Loki felt everyday.

"We have the sharpest sword in the world, the hammer of a thundergod, the unbreakable shield and the reforming sword. All at one place."

"The Greek,"Randolph gasped, "What makes you think the Greek will show up."

Loki's grin spread even wider, "A little bird told me about the right motivation for him to show up."

Randolph's eyes widened as he understood the full extend of Loki's plan.

Loki nodded, "Yes Randolph. I think it's time you invite your cousin Annabeth for a small adventure."


"What are those?" Sadie asked, she knelt down next to the metal box.

"Quick," Carter said, "The police might show up."

Sadie frowned, "In the middle of the night?"

Carter silently cursed before turning to the box, "So what's inside it?"

Sadie revealed a metal football, it had around the size of a regular football but it was made of a dark metal and had glowing green lines all over it.

The entire box was filled with more of those strange metal things.

"What are those?" Carter wondered.

Sadie shrugged, "I don't know. The real question is why someone is transporting this to Manhattan in the middle of the night. Every single day."


The squirrel's skin was steaming, smoke came of her skin and Ratatosk let out a shriek of pain.

She was bathing in her own blood, yet there was a grin on her face.

After ten long minutes of agonizing pain it stopped, and she rose to her feet.

No longer she had paws or a tail. No longer she was a squirrel.

Instead there was a naked woman standing in her place.

Ratatosk grinned, finally Odin's curse had been broken. Just as she had hoped; the creators blood had broken the curse Odin had put on her decades ago.

A curse that prevented her from shape shifting, a curse that prevented her from ending the world properly.

It took her over a week to get a good bite out of the Greek, somewhere she felt bad for the poor boy. But the fact she could finally take a human form again made her smile.

She snapped her fingers and a portal opened, she had worlds to destroy.


The woman stood on a plateau surrounded by lava.

Two celestial bronze chains kept her from leaving this place.

"Come find me, Percy," She muttered, hoping she could reach his dreams.


"An entire city block has descended into the ground today. A total of 11 victims were wounded, 6 were found dead and 2 are still missing.

According to the police this was due to unstable sewer systems but the terrorist organization known as FEAR has claimed this as an attack.

During a Press release, New York Mayor Caroline Crystal promised to look into it and to update the City's sewer network. Right now the state received over $5 million in funding and in February, the City starts the first step of updating the Sewer Network.


The Gunter took an arrow out of his quiver and put it on his bow.

He took aim at the hunters below him. the hunt had decided to stay here for the day since Artemis, their goddess, was required on Olympus for war preparations.

Next to the hunter Lycaon growled, he had bared his fangs and a murderous spark was seen in his eyes.

"Ready?" The Hunter asked Lycaon.

Lycaon licked his teeth, "just leave a few for me."


Come play with me Poseidon' Son,

You can't tempt Fate and come undone,

Two new threats you must be faced,

One can't be Beaten, One can't be Slayed

The First unleashed by Hero's breath,

Second unleashed by Chaos' wrath,

With one Kiss destroy it all,

Burn the world with a price so tall,

Play with me your Story ends,

The Son of Poseidon betrays his friends.


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