Lann the Creep

It was a tough few days of experimenting for Lann. He had to first find a pride of lions, then he had to get meat, and poison the meat just enough to take the Lions out but not kill them instantly.

The hardest part was really finding the right amount of the poison required for it. He asked the healers for help but they never really had any knowledge of poisons for lions. He also sought help from hunters, who… well they just used as much poison as they can to kill the beasts.

So, after numerous trials and errors and four dead lions, he finally got the concoction right to get two lions in a large wooden cage that he had ordered to keep the beasts.

He was quite lucky to have found the two cubs which were slightly larger than a small goat. Though, more than luck it had to do with the fact that he had 'accidentally' killed the cubs' entire family due to his failed trials.

"Hmm not bad. Young ones are always easier to tame and train, be they beasts or men." Lann heard the voice that annoyed him the most during one of his feeding sessions with the cubs. The bard was here again giving him 'sagely' advice as he likes to call it.

As much as he hated to admit it, the bard did have some good advice like forging bonds through feeding and interacting after getting the cubs full of meat. They had become much more docile just in the span of a week.

But damn did he hate the bard, who for some reason, could appear soundlessly behind him every time no matter his alertness, and start spouting his nonsense while stroking his nonexistent long beard.

"Theatrics, kid. A performer needs to have some flair and drama to draw people into the act. You wouldn't understand the minds and hearts of an artist." Jaskier had replied when he had once asked about it.

As much as Lann would love to just turn around and hit the face of the bard with a slab of meat, he couldn't. He had a question for the bard. An important one.

"Hey Jaskier, how do you woo the women?" It took all of his iron will to not throw up asking that. But he hardly knew about these things. And from what he could see, the bard had every female in the village swooning at his every action.

Jaskier's eyes brightened like a kid who found a new toy. Lann was already regretting it. "Oh! Our little lion has fallen into the smelly sewers of love? You asked the right person. But first, tell me about this girl."

"Why would you need to know about her?" Lann retorted.

A chuckle escaped Jaskier, "Relax kid, I won't steal your precious maiden. The more I know, the more I can help you. That's all."

After a long and hard internal battle, Lann still chose to tell him about his nightly activities of peeking at the girl and her acts of pleasuring herself. Of course, he omitted the parts about the Casterlys and the fort and all.

Jaskier exaggeratedly stepped back and acted like he was vomiting, "Eww kid. That's disgusting. And creepy as fuck! Peeking secretly at a lady every night. If she found out, you may lose any chances with her."

"Unless she is into that sort of thing. I've seen my fair share of freaky ones." He continued to mumble.

Lann was perplexed at the reaction. He couldn't understand what was so bad about his peeking. He was just looking after all.

As if reading his thoughts, Jaskier spoke, "Listen here you little shit. Women are people too, treat them with respect and dignity and they will do the same to you. You need to learn to see beyond the lust you have for her body..."

And so began the lessons of the bard. He called it 'How to be a Gentleman 101' which Lann found confusing but decided to let go like many other things he had not understood about the bard.

"So, I could use a topic of interest to her to approach me and start a conversation through that…" Lann repeated what he learned as he looked at the Lion cubs.

The next day, there was a rumor circulating in the Casterly fort that a boy in the village is taming a lion. And as expected, that day, a fair maiden from the castle came down to the village to check out the boy taming the lions.


{Lysanne Casterly POV}

I had heard about the golden-haired boy who was taming some lions in the village. I wanted to see for myself how he accomplishes such a feat.

Many have tried to recreate the glory of our honored ancestor, the first Casterly, and tried defeating the beasts in combat. Some succeeded while most didn't. But very rarely had anyone tried to actually tame these regal beasts.

And from what I know, none have ever succeeded. This makes it even more interesting how the alleged boy with the 'lion mane' is faring at this endeavor. I hope he succeeds.

"Ah! This should be the place." I mumbled to myself looking at a clean and relatively large house. I should go around to the back probably.

And as I did, I was mesmerized by what I was seeing. A boy with hair golden and long and beautiful like a lion's mane was there feeding two large lion cubs intimately.

I watched on without disturbing him but was quickly broken out of my trance when the boy looked back at me with his deep blue, almost violet eyes. He had a charming face. But he looked flustered at seeing me.

"My lady, what brings you here? How can I be of help?" I could tell he was doing all he can to act calm. He seems to have been around nobles and learned some etiquette too. Suspicious!

"How did you know I am a Lady and not some peasant girl?" I asked him with my eyes narrowed in suspicion. I sneaked out alone from the castle without guards or servants too.

He looked taken aback for a bit. And maybe a little guilty? I couldn't be sure. But he quickly recovered and pointed at me, "Peasants don't wear clothes as nice and jewelry."

Ah! I thought wearing an older dress and just a necklace and earrings should be able to hide my identity.

"Also, while some peasants might look fine, none look as fair and beautiful as you do my lady." He continued.


I… Wha… What is this? My cheeks are burning! I need to say something! Fast!

"Uh.. Um thank you. But you don't seem to be from around here?" I managed to ask.

He smiled at me again. Why does he look so handsome? Urgh! Focus Lyssa focus!

He bowed elegantly, "Forgive me for not introducing myself properly. My name is Lann and I used to be a bastard of a noble house beyond the hills. Though I have left the past behind and came here to build a new life."

His eyes hid some sadness. I don't know why I want to hug him tight and listen to his story. To tell him, it's going to be okay.

He looked back at me." Ah! I am Lyssane Casterly, daughter of Lord Casterly. I just heard someone was taming lions so I wanted to come to check it out."

He raised his beautifu… his eyebrows. "Well, you came to the right place." He pointed at the cage with the cubs. "Please come in my lady!"

"Lyssa. Call me Lyssa!" I said as I walked to the cage with the lion cubs.



"So, you had a nice date feeding lions. Hit it off with the lady and even decided on the second date? Good for you!" I praised the sixteen-year-old excited boy.

He had the stupid grin of those in love plastered over his face all day. "It was great. We had a fun time. She wants to help in the taming. Although, she saw your lute and I might have told her I could play and promised to do so at a later date…."

Wow! Using a guitar to pick up chicks works in this shitty place as well huh. So now I have to teach the little lion how to pose with a simple song. What a hassle! But interesting though…

"What about your plans and ambitions of taking over that rock and the shiny metal it sits upon?" I asked the love-struck teen.

Oh, the look of realization on his face is priceless. I wish I had a camera! Right, I have magic! I forget that when playing a role too deep at times. I'm probably the greatest method actor to exist in all universes and dimensions, considering how long I've been doing this.

"I- I will continue with it. I will keep Lyssa safe and try to have as little impact on her family as possible but I won't give up." Roaring flames of determination leaped from the kid's eyes.

Although Lann had been secretive about his plans, I have seen it all. I followed him the other day to look at how stupid his plan to scare the Casterlys was and maybe see some funny shit along the way.


Lann the Clever outdid himself again. He was not only scaring the whole Casterly family, he was actively sowing discord among them. Lord Casterly even found his wife's jewelry and undergarments under his brother's pillow.

I don't want to know how Lann the Creep found and placed some panties under the married man's pillow while he was sleeping next to his wife though. The Casterlys seemed to be getting psychologically exhausted already.

Well, what do you know! The little lion might actually manage to drive the Casterlys out of their castle by acting like a Scooby Doo villain.


{Lord Casterly POV}

Ever since the haunting started, I haven't had a single night of sleep. In fact, the whole family hasn't been able to sleep.

I even heard rumors going around the castle that the ghost was our ancestor, unsatisfied with our actions or something. I am a rational man, I'd like to believe that I have some level of logical thinking as described in the scrolls by Master Raven.

I really want to believe that it is all just some prank in bad taste or a malicious attempt to harm my family but as days pass and bizzare things keep happening without any of us actually getting hurt, I don't know anymore.

So I called a family meeting to decide what we can do about all this.

"We should try to find the children of the forest and ask for their help! They are the experts in magical things." My brother suggested a viable idea.

Although I can't help but feel disgusted and frown every time I look at him. I know it wasn't his fault but the feeling doesn't seem to go away. The image of my brother holding my wife's inner wear etched deep in my memory.

It didn't help that the same night my wife was wetter and more active in fucking than she had ever been. Even when I reminded her of the ghosts she didn't stop. I swear she got tighter when I mentioned that. Ugh, I don't want to think about it.

"I think we need to ask for help too. But the pact dictates that we can't interfere so we can't go disturb them." I replied. "It's still up in the air if they will even agree to help."

An uncle of mine spoke up, "We need to do something fast. If things keep escalating as they have been, I don't want to think of the consequences." He sounded terrified. I heard he soiled his bed out of fear.

My brother added, "Yeah if nothing works, we could just dig up as much gold as we can and go build another place somewhere."

A round of "Aye!" rang out around the table and I sighed. The future really doesn't seem good for my family.