This is it?



So let me go ahead and set some things straight. One, things I've done have either no business even being included, or just throw things off or just become unnecessary becomes of already known reasons, ie; including espers into the world. I will be honest, don't know where that came from. I get ideas that I just put in but its only after its posted that for some reason I really look back on and realize it was just pointless

Two, the personality. Feel like I should have made more things sensible instead of just saying, "mc with Accelerator personality" as all of you can tell, that sure as shit isn't the case, more along the lines of there's some of it there, but most of it is just different then Accelerator. Should have definitely described it more as "mc with a touch of Accelerator's personality"

Finally, pacing, oh boy is this awful. I can't pace things well, sure that's very obvious from what you've seen so far. I don't flesh things out, I 'tell' the story instead of 'showing' it. Yeah I really just fucked up with that and I understand. Thing is.. I don't know how to flesh things out and go slow. Its stupid I know, but in my mind, fleshing things out doesn't really.. work?

Well that's not really it I think but its as close as I can make of it to being sensible. I don't know how to flesh things out, going slow is something I understand makes fics better, actually any novel for that matter, but for me? No clue, nada, zilch. Hell I don't think I, at any point in this ultimately cringe fic, I've ever even given like some wording on fucking background, like a little 'outside view' or something.

I'm young, I'm learning, hopefully.. Honestly I think if I could get down pacing and fleshing things out I could definitely be better but again, no clue on how to do that. God I'm a fucking idiot.

That being said, I think we can all agree this should just end soon right? Good, I'm assuming you agree with me on this since this is honestly pretty trash, better than what I had done on wattpad like last year though so hey. Little improvement. God I'm dying of cringe thinking of my writing on there and this fic, also on my other fic, god none of the shit I do makes sense! Its all just wish fulfillment isn't it!?

But yeah this should end soon, maybe like right now. This shit was short but I think we can all agree we let this shit die and never look back on it again.

Rant over, sorry for all that but, felt like I had to say it. Let the aforementioned cringe continue!


Staring down the bald man in the suit who looked like he'd croak over in a few seconds with how fucked his face was

"So Accelerator you wanna fight this guy?" Kakine asked as he looked at 'The One'

"Why should I? He's nothing but a speck of dust to me, just like all of those hero's dead in that stadium, though not like there's any part of them left after my attack. Why don't you two go ahead and fight him"

"Oh yeah? Well then why should we? He's here for YOU not US, so why should we fight YOUR enemy?" Mikoto spoke to me with a smug grin on her face, believing she had won

"Yeah? Well would you look at that, your logic makes sense"

"Don't act like you know my logic.." She spoke in fake anger, obviously amused by the supposed 'Nightmare of Japan' watching our exchange go on without any visible expression since, you know, no face and all. But I was sure, the guy was angry if not at least annoyed

All For One had been alive for many years, multiple quirks with the main one being multiple longevity quirks that he had combined to keep him going, the best one of those being from the doctor that he had met so many years ago. In his life he has faced multiple people with strong quirks that could have changed the world if the users were all alive and in one group, but then came Accelerator, this kid who had a power equivalent to a god. All For One didn't know just what exactly the kid's power was but he knew that it was strong, stronger than any he had ever seen before and now he would get rid of the kid and take his quirk, once he does, he can finally move on from just ruling Japan in the shadows, he could openly rule it and the other powers easily. Sure he had seen what Accelerator had done in the stadium, but he knew most of the attacks thrown at him were blasted away by none other than All Might, and now with that man dead, the only thing left was Accelerator.

Right now however.. This actually annoyed him. Three teens who don't know their place, cocky because they have strong abilities, yet they don't know just how grand the difference is.

Sighing, Accelerator didn't really care anymore as he just began walking towards All for One before shooting off, quickly reaching the man before he tried to grab him, though he failed as All for One backed away as his leg morphed, becoming bigger and flowing with energy, even some metal began to form and stick out of it. He stomped on the ground as it broke and created a crater, Accelerator quickly swung his arm and dispersed the dust, only to see AFO heading towards Kakine, he internally smirked before he saw something cover the sun even if only by a small bit, he looked up to see something falling. His eyes widened before he quickly formed his wings and blasted off

'Motherfucker! We're getting fucking nuked?!' Accelerator internally panicked as he knew, even if the bomb and radiation wouldn't kill him, the lack of air certainly would, he got away from the area, not caring for the fate of those three, before seeing two more nukes coming down, both closer than even he could rocket away from

Looking at the ever closer bomb and the sky, Accelerator felt rage bubble up in him before screaming


FUCK ALL OF YOU" The bombs came crashing down, the entirety of Japan shaking at the unknown usage and shockwaves that carried out from the impact point, no alarm ever rang out, anyone that lived in the area had all been wiped out, any lucky enough to not die from the initial shockwave had quickly succumbed to the radiation, none having quirks that could save them, the only thing they could do was cower in fear and curse the Council.

With this bombing, the Council Leaders all relaxed as the two biggest threats that could/had plagued them had been wiped out, for those that would want revenge? Well, where do you think most mind control and brainwashing quirks actually are? All within the government, the criminals that have the quirk able to be easily bought off if needed.

Day 20xx Accelerator and All for One, the two biggest threats from Japan, had been thoroughly nuked and killed, for there was nothing saving them, even All for One. For someone with so many quirks and a warping one he should have been able to get away but he foolishly thought to warp away to another area in Japan, which so happened to have a bomb land right on it when he warped

This will be a day to remember, curse, and mourn for, sad that all of Japan had lost such great heroes, but hey! What's it really matter right?


Yeah ending it like that. Anti climatic. Sure. Do I care. Nope

This story is so cringe and awful that I just needed to end it now. At first it was fine, I was doing alright with it even if it was fast. Then I went with the most cliche way to shove this man into the plot which could have worked if oh I don't know. If we didn't know who it was or before it was ever revealed like two years ago, if I made this before then, maybe it could have worked.

Though I believe we all don't care or like this story anymore so hey. Its done and we can be happy for that

Shameless plug, made a new fic AND hold up, its not cringe *GASP*

I know! I don't believe it either! I haven't messed it up yet! And I hope not to, its a DBZ fic and I honestly don't see too many of those on here so maybe it'll catch your interest and if not, then whatever. You can read something much better like "The Cursed Gamer" or "One Piece: Hashirama's Voyage" from Master4thWall or "Naruto: Systematic Shinobi" from 0_Jordinio_0

The guy has so many fics and they're all great, if you haven't read his work yet then do so, you'll love them

Anyway yeah, this fic is done and now we can all forget about it

About damn time honestly.