Chapter 12: Release in Captivity

"Finally!" Princess Minerva said, the moment our lips parted.

Then she pushed me back onto the couch and climbed on top of me. She kissed me several times, her chestnut hair cascading around our faces like a curtain.

"This is probably bad," I said, trying to keep my wits about me. What was I doing?!

"No," Minerva's lips worked their way along my neck, starting at the base of my ear and searching for my collar. "This is going to be very good."

She found what she was looking for under my blouse and slip, playing with my chest and kissing my skin until I moaned in pleasure. Her legs intertwined with mine; I found myself rocking against her.

"You really" --I gasped out between breaths-- "want me?"

I didn't know where the question came from. Some part of me that still doubted everything I'd learned about the princess? It all felt too good to be true. Maybe I didn't deserve this.