Chapter 21: Dressing Down

That evening, the servants snuck me down to the gates. I could hear the sounds of the ball echoing from elsewhere within the castle: a small orchestra, the chatter of those nobles first to arrive. Periodically the hubbub was interrupted by Simon's loud voice announcing the arrival of another important person.

I met Brienne in one of the many rooms adjacent to the gate.

(Wow,) she signed, (you are... you look lovely, Eve.)

(I feel sick,) I signed back.

She laughed. (There's a carriage outside that seems to be waiting for you to appear.)

(How rude of me to be late.)

(For the likes of you,) Brienne gestured emphatically at my dress, (they should be kept waiting for an eternity.)

We stepped out the castle gates, enjoying the breeze and the cool autumn air. From the road down before the great gate, a carriage of dark wood and golden inlay stood still. As we watched, one door opened and several figures stepped out.