Chapter 24: Blood is Spilled

I stared at Lord Brux, confusion and shock ruling my thoughts. The Court of Whispers? Me--a queen? I was a maid. A maid for the most powerful noble family in the world who had tangled herself hopelessly in their intrigue, but a maid nonetheless.

"Are you not Eve of Whispers?" he asked, "The girl who turned the underworld on its head at the age of 17? No, you must be. The similarity is uncanny. Perhaps you don't remember me? That would make sense, I was of little consequence then. I pleaded a case before you, a new smuggling route through the Irontop Mountains? Yours was the only voice in my favor."

I understood about half of the words coming out of his mouth. My head reeled. This other woman looked like me? A queen of some dark criminal underworld?