Chapter 45: Powers to Behold

I sat on the edge of Minerva's bed, trying to comprehend the potential implications of what we had discovered. The princess sat beside me, intently inspecting the empty glass in her hand. Periodically, she would set in on the floor, lean away, and order it to jump to her.

And each time, the cup would break my understanding of the world by leaping up to her outstretched hand.

"So... this is new, right?" I asked, after a long, long time.

"Cup, come here." Minerva reached down and the glass shot upward into her grasp.

I shook my head in disbelief and rubbed my eyes.

"It is new." She said. "I've never been able to do this before. And I've definitely given orders to inanimate objects."

"So the Imperative is..." I swallowed nervously and trailed off.

Minerva picked up the sentence for me. "Getting stronger. But why? And for just me or for Leon too?"

"And your half-brother, wherever he is." I added.