Chapter 42: Family Matters

"How do I look?" Minerva asked.

I glanced over. She was standing before her mirror, trying to adjust the two enormous gemstone earrings hanging on either side of her face. Her dress today was a stormy grey with embroidered swirls of black. The line of her collar was deliberately uneven, shifting from a strap over one shoulder to a tantalizingly low-hanging cut on the other. Even distracted as she was, Minerva looked like a queen--determined and impressive.

"You're definitely sending the right message," I told her.

"That felt like a tactful dodge of my question," Minerva frowned and squinted distrustfully at my reflection.

I was behind her, lounging on a couch with my feet up. Over the last few days, I had taken an immense liking to the style Claire had suggested, and the castle tailors had been happy to run with my designs. Now everything fit: the trousers to show off the length of my legs, the shorter corset to show off everything else.