Chapter 49: Two Weeks Later

I checked the tray again, adjusting the meal I was carrying so that it wouldn't slip as I walked. There wasn't any real consequence if it did, other than an embarrassing trip back to the kitchens, but my nerves demanded I do SOMETHING to keep myself busy.

Leon's chambers were under constant guard. I nodded to Nemo as he opened the door for me and I slipped inside. The prince's sitting room had been emptied out since the battle between him and Minerva. Now, arranged by the wall nearest to the fireplace, there was a simple cushioned bed.

Leon sat there, dressed but looking considerably thinner than the last I had seen him.

"Hey." I said and raised the tray as a manner of greeting. "Food?"

He smiled at me, a familiar but long-absent recognition in his eyes. "Eve!" he said. "I've missed you."