Chapter 11: In the Dark

Flora seemed not to have heard Aeliana however — or if she did, then she pretended not to be able to.

At long last, Aeliana and Flora arrived at their destination. Aeliana was still going on blind faith regarding the exact location of their destination. But she trusted this wolf enough to know that she would lead her in the proper direction, regardless of how much or how little faith she had in her abilities.

“Where are we going?” Aeliana found herself whispering to the wolf. It wasn’t that Flora had requested silence or quiet of any kind; it was just that something about the atmosphere almost demanded a quiet, gentle attitude, in the most unspoken of ways.

“Shall see. Soon.” Flora continued on as though Aeliana weren’t even there. At this point, she knew she shouldn’t have minded all that much, but it just seemed as though life always had a way of making her feel invisible, even when not intended.