Aeliana gazed around at the bees that were making their way toward her, still, when suddenly… The white cobra curled up into a ball, seeming to relent against the power of the bees that swarmed around it.
And suddenly, the snake sprang to life, right before Aeliana’s eyes. Gazing at her with a loud hissing sound, Aelianaa realized in horror that the cobra was, in fact, challenging her. To her, it seemed tragic — and yet, she knew that she would not be tempted beyond what she was able to handle.
“Now that we have become acquainted…” The snake hissed, its voice faintly trailing off into the distance. “I fully understand exactly how you have come to embrace the light. And yet, how could you possibly have surpassed the experience of true darkness, particularly when it does not always apprehend the light?” It then gave her a cold look of contempt, seeming to be lost in some sort of dark entrancement.