Chapter 12: The Elders

Onyx doesn’t reply. He quickly helps Selene down from the wall and takes her by the hand. They rush up the steps without a word. Selene can feel a rush of adrenalin as they hurry into the house. Onyx leads her to a large room off of the main entryway.

Taking both her hands in his own, he scares her a little with the serious tone of his voice.

“I need you to stay here. I was hoping to get more time to talk before the Elders heard of you. We will eventually tell them everything. But for now, don’t tell them you’re a witch. Keep any answers you have to their questions short, and don’t look them directly in the eyes.” Onyx kisses her quickly before rushing out the door.

Selene feels like running away. There is no way she can possibly hold it together when she’s this close to the edge of sanity. It doesn’t help that everyone she looks to for reassurance is also acting scared.