Chapter 23: Alpha and Luna of the North

As soon as Selene and Onyx walk out the door and into the hall, a guard is already waiting to prevent them from moving forward.

“The third member of your party is still preparing. We will head down as soon as she’s ready,” he explains.

Selene looks up at Onyx and drops his hand before walking to Sparrow’s door. She knocks but doesn’t get an answer. Sparrow never hesitated to walk in on us, Selene thinks before walking into her room. She looks around but doesn’t see her.

“Sparrow?” she calls.

“In here,” Sparrow replies from her bathroom.

Selene pauses halfway across the room. “Are you decent?”

“Just get in here,” Sparrow huffs.

Selene walks over to find the she-wolf fussing over herself in the mirror. Her blond locks have been cleaned and glisten as they hang down to the middle of her back. Sparrow always looks beautiful. The sudden concerns with her outward appearance have to be due to the mate bond.