Chapter 25: The Difference in Division

Selene contemplates the question. No one ever told her it was shifters. But if not them, then who? Her Gram had always shushed her into silence when she would blame the Shifters. Selene isn’t sure she really wants to know the truth now. It was just easier to blame the creatures she had never met. For her, there had been comfort in blaming her fears on a bogyman.

“I don’t know,” Selene mumbles. “I was told they went off to battle. There had been tension brewing between the local Coven and one of the shifter packs. They never came back.”

Tessa reaches over and takes Selene’s hand. “I understand why you would make that connection in your mind. You were so young, too young when you lost them. I hope it eases your mind to know they weren’t killed by any shifters. Your mother’s status would have prevented any shifter from committing such a crime.”

Selene looks up at her grandmother and locks eyes with her. “If not shifters, then who?”