Chapter 29: Gram

Selene stands frozen in the entryway. She would recognize her Gram’s voice anywhere, but how? She ascended years ago. Her heart dares to dream, if for only a moment. She would love to tell Gram everything that’s happened in the last two weeks.

“Selene, dear, won’t you join us?” Rue’s voice calls from somewhere nearby. “Come around the back of the stairs and into the parlor,” Rue instructs.

Selene hurries past the staircase and finds a hidden room on the other side. There is a curtain draped over the doorway that Selene shoves away as she enters the room. Looking around, she finds a little round table with four chairs, a cauldron on a stand over an open fire, a potion cabinet, and Rue.

The old witch is sitting at the table with a hot cup of tea and a smile on her face.

“Who were you talking to?” Selene stutters. “I thought I heard another voice.”

“That you did,” her Gram’s voice replies. “You always were a smart little witch.”