Chapter 33: Friends in Dark Places

Selene hurries over to the door. “Twitch, Frank, is it really you?” she asks.

“Frank, it’s the Silver Wolf, and she remembers us,” Twitch yelps.

“Selene, I’m glad to hear your voice. Are you alright? That brute didn’t do anything to you, did he?” Frank replies.

“No. I mean, other than kidnap me from the Northern Lands,” Selene answers. “How did you two get here?”

Twitch answers first. “Oh, we walked.”

“We were captured shortly after delivering our message to the Elders,” Frank explains.

“We weren’t doing anything wrong,” Twitch adds. “They snuck up on us and ruined a good nap.”

“Are you two hurt at all?” Selene asks.

“Naw, any damage they did has all but healed already,” Frank replies. “Does anyone in the North know you were taken?”