Chapter 43: A Witch's Guide to Travel

“No!” she shrieks while trying to jump up on all fours.

Onyx is quick to lay on top of her, but he isn’t able to hold her alone. Selene’s incredibly strong and Mark has to help hold her down.

“Why?” she cries while trying to wiggle out from under the wolf pile.

Onyx is trying to soothe her, but Selene can’t make out anything he’s saying. She’s deaf to the world as she watches the coven members throw lit torches into her house.

“No,” she whispers. “I’ll lose everything. The book, it’s still in there.” With a rush of adrenalin, Selene manages to throw Onyx and Mark off her back and takes off running toward her house.

The witches have all piled up onto the cart and are heading down the road. Not a single one of them looks back toward the burning structure.

Selene almost reaches the door when she’s knocked to one side by a charging Onyx.

“Why are you so stubborn?” he yells while running past her.