Chapter 48: The Luna's Plan

The scent of food hits them as soon as they step through the door. Selene had eaten some fruit while building the arch, but the way her stomach’s cramping one would think she hadn’t eaten all day. The two of them head toward the kitchen to join the others for dinner.

Lucas speaks with Frank as he walks through the door. He returns to the table while Frank and Twitch go to the other side of the room to eat. “We will meet after dinner and Frank will tell us what he found,” Lucas says before returning to his own plate.

Selene wants to skip the meal and get to the meeting, but she’s so hungry she can’t ignore her own stomach. Some of the new witches from the coven have joined them, but there aren’t as many people in the kitchen as usual. Selene figures many of them are in their own homes making their own meals now.

It really surprises her how quickly things have changed. It’s as if a plug was removed and there’s been a flood of activity because of it.