Chapter 50: A Long Road Ahead

The four shifters walk away from the tunnel entrance as panicked cries rise up from the Coven village. No one asks Selene to tell them what happened or how she destroyed the machine, and she’s glad about that. She doesn’t really understand what happened. She had lost control, and that scares her.

Twitch manages to haul the High Priest along on his back. Selene finds herself looking at Marcus and plotting his demise. She doesn’t know what they’re going to end up doing with him, but she hopes he suffers.

Selene follows the others over the river and through the forest without paying any attention. She catches Onyx looking at her, but he doesn’t interrupt her thoughts. Once they reach the wall, Onyx leads them through the secret passageway.

Selene hardly notices the Northern Guards as they join the four of them to provide escort through the village. Lucas is waiting for them at Onyx’s house. He must have been told of their approach, as he meets them at the doorway.