Today is Saturday . There are clouds in the sky ready to condense and form rain . And since autumn has started I was forced to wear black sweater , black pants and white shirt. Why ? Because I don't have any other sweater . Mom threw my all old sweaters which I had only worn once . Anyway , before she buys me new ones I have to be dark knight .

It was still bearable but as soon as I reached my school I found that Sam and I have to visit counsellor and skip some classes.

I hate our school's guidance and counselling cell . Especially the woman who is there to counsel . She has kind of problem with me . She taunts me a lot whenever she sees me . Like some hooligan .

I am currently sitting in that hooligans office with wooden floor and purple wallpaper . Sam is sitting besides me . Counsellor gave us questionnaire to fill which has twenty questions in total . Not to mention these are just some bunch of silly questions . Like :

Do you feel bored in school?

Do you hate being in school ?

We just have mark it with Yes or No .

" Now that you two have filled the questionnaire ...You can go ..." , Counsellor..

What? That is it. It was highly unprofessional . Well , whatever .

" And come back tomorrow on the same time ..." Counsellor ..." You are going to come daily until your behaviour is improved ..." she smiles as she said that .

Now I know that she did it on purpose she knows that I hate it. But she loves to irritate me .

Now after that hellish counselling session we are going back to the class . You know , me and Sam .

" Its your fault . If you would just accept that science in no better than other arts than none of this would have happened . You are artophobic freak " , Sam said . .

" What ? You know that is not a term ..." I said .

" Now it is , because that is because I am using it . " Sam said ...

" Oh , you are such a child " , I spat .

" And you are a fanatic who thinks he is always right ..." he claimed ...

DURING LUNCH BREAK : I was coming back from canteen and strolling around school's basketball court when I saw a girl who was crying a lot on the stairs . She looked kind of healthy. I wonder what happened ...Wait , I know her its Lily . Oh ,no . What should I do ? Should I talk to her ? But I don't know how to handle crying girls. I am very bad at consoling . Forget it ...She didn't notice so I can just go away ... I entered the classroom and saw Claire and Lucas arguing over something which was weird because they aren't in my class . They are in section C .

" There you are ....Where have you been , M ? " Claire asked .

" Why are you here ? " I questioned directly .

" We just pranked that new girl Lily and it got little out of hand . " Lucas said guiltily .

Oh ,that is why she was crying in the basketball court ...

" So... ? " I said while raising my eyebrows .

" We want you to talk to her . She is crying on the stairs. " , Lucas said .

" Please ..." , Claire pleaded ..

" No " ....

" Please "....

" No means no ..." , I said

🙏🙏🙏" Pretty please ...." Claire said .

Then I ignored them . I already told her to stop bullying others but she doesn't listen . So its her fault. Nothing to do with me . Though something in my heart tried to convince me but I ignored that feeling . Suddenly Sam looked at us or glared at us . And we understood that he is studying and we are disturbing him because of which Claire and Lucas left. I wonder what they did to Lily ....

" Sam ...Aren't you going to talk to her ? Lily is your cousin , right ? " ...I asked ...

'_' Like always he ignored me .

School is over. Today I will go from other door of our school building . Because I don't want to meet that weirdo . No mood for arguments. Well, luckily I don't have to go to work today since Mr Leo has to do something . So I will just go to the famous junk market to see if I can have something for my drone . But unfortunately near the backdoor I heard some noises . It was Serena , Lucas , Lily and Claire. It seemed like Serena was very angry . Her khaki pants were covered in dust . Her eyes red, hair looked more spiked than it should. Most of all her face was filled with red blood and she was panting .Seemingly Lily tried to calm her down . While Lucas had a black eye . His Blue shirt was covered in blood and his jean pants were torn . While Claire was frightened .

" I am going to kill you . How many times have I told you not to mess with her ? " , Serena shouted .😡😡😡

" Why ? Is she your wife ? ", Lucas hissed .

They were about to fight once again .When Lily shouted , " Enough!!!"...

Oh my God ...Give me popcorn 🍿🍿🍿. It is like some movie . So much drama . I rolled my eyes. I should avoid getting into this mess. As I was about to go away Claire summoned me in her squeaky voice... " Myra , come here" ...I would have ignored her if she wouldn't have called my full name .

" What ? " I lazily asked as I move towards them .

" Tell who was wrong " , Claire

" Look , I just posted her pic on the insta and wrote something stupid on it for fun ..." Lucas .

" It was not fun . Everyone in the school is laughing at her ! You fat shamed her ...." , 😡😡Serena spat .

" I didn't know it would get out of hand ....It was a joke ..." Lucas argued .

" Look we know we did wrong ... And apologizing for it ..." Claire 🤷 said .

" You really think its a j...." Claire was about to say something but I interrupted her:

" Look , Claire what you did was too much . You have to apologise her in front everyone in the school ..."

" Yeah ...And while you are at it why not smear some dirt on both of your faces and then beg for forgiveness ! " Serena .

" You are going too far ..." Lucas as he stepped closer to Serena .

" Want to know how far I can go " ....

" Ow I am so scared ..."

This is completely nuts .I should just go ...Wait a minute I have an idea .

" Just do whatever they will say or go to the counsellor to solve this mess ..." I suggested.