I don't remember actually spending time at home like this . I never stayed at home . I was always out , planning pranks on people or analysing different things . I am a curious person by nature I love to experience new things , know about new things and I also love to create new things . But of course , machines are my first love . So , cheesy what us wrong with . I shivered at my own words ...

Serena has been here for a month now but Lily hasn't stopped calling her . I mean it...Serena's phone rings all the time . More interesting thing about Serena's phone is her ringtone because its cock's song .You know the one whose lyrics are :

Koko koko koko ko ko ...1234 Ko ko ko ...

I didn't know song like that existed until recently . Apparently it was trending on youtube but then again I don't have any smartphone. I think I should ask mom to buy me one . She is in an emo mode these days .....I bet she will do anything which I ask for.

The thing is ...Actually they did buy me iphone on my 14th birthday but I was too fascinated by it and decided to analyse how it works but ended up breaking it up for good . Well , everyone has a past .

" Get up , Myra ... ", Serena instead of my mom..

" Five more minutes ..." , I pleaded .

" No more minutes its already seven ..." , she said.

Right now I wish I was already dead . Sleeping forever ....

" Get up Myra ..." , Serena as she this time removed my sheets and cold started making its through my body .🥶🥶 🥶

" Alright ..." , I answered reluctantly .

Since its winter . Sun has not revealed his brightness properly . Serena is wearing a grey track suit ...She is sweating .

Though I am now feeling better : my arms have become strong again , I can walk with the help of crutches much easily , my head injury is healing smoothly but I still have to take precautions .

Serena is helping to change my clothes . Yeah , I know that its embarrassing but it can't be helped . Since she is with me all the time . Mom can't be with be all the time . She has many things to do . As for my dad . You already know the answer . Although he has been nice to me these days but he is busy with his work .

Serena slowly walked me out ...Towards the garden. My home has a large garden which has green grass , flowers as well as large trees . Its a beautiful sight to be seen . Morning dew is still falling . Its freezing outside but I am wearing enough clothes to block the cold .

After a while I sit down on the swing of our garden which is white and made of metal.

While Serena is doing something with plants ...

" What are you doing ? " , I asked her .

" I am trying to find perfect branches to make my arrow ..." , she said .

" Why ? " , I asked .

" I am going to play archery with some people today ..." , she said.

" When ? ", I asked .

" In the evening ..." , she said.

" So you won't be here in the evening ..." , I inquired .

" Yeah but your mother will be here by then so don't worry ..." , she said , still looking for branches to make arrows .

" No I am not worried ...I am just happy that you won't be here ...At least for a while ..." , I said .

Since its winter no birds are here , even if there are they are not chirping ... Winter sure loves to terrify life . I notice that even grass is frozen on some place . Suddenly , Serena comes and sits besides me due to which swing sways for a while ...

She takes out some find of knife from her pocket and starts peeling off its hard skin. I watch her silently as she is doing that . She skillfully shapes it by making pointed at one end ..... Its strangely calming when you watch someone do something or create something , isn't it ?

" What about bow ? " , I ask her .

" You are talking too much today ..." , she says as she looks at me for a while .

She is right...What is wrong with me ? I mean I don't care what people do usually . It seems like I am spending too much time with people these days which is frightening because if you spend time with people you start loving then and craving for their love in return which is frustrating . Myra , get a grip ...You are loosing yourself .

" I have already made my bow . I love to make things by myself rather than buying them at market . I especially love to make things with wood...." , Serena answered after a very long time .

Basketball, boxing , archery , soccer , volleyball ... Not to mention she is also good in academics . What else can she do ? Its like she is a demon who is skilled and good looking as well .

Yeah I know its strange but I think she looks good . I don't know why but I like how she looks . I like her character over all . And there is something strangely intriguing about her .

I also noticed that she has some flaws like : she gives delayed answers when you ask something , she thinks too much , she doesn't know how to express herself ; like you can't figure out from her face if she is sad , happy or angry . She is also stoic but she is more social than me . She especially knows how to please elders like my mom and dad .

I don't care about people . I seriously don't but somehow I have this urge to understand her no matter what .

" Let us go inside ...", Serena as she gets up from the swing .

Today Miss Maria has made me french toast which I love . But guess what Serena drinks every morning : milk mixed with raw eggs and then exactly at 10 she drinks juice .

She can eat a lot ...A lot more than me .

Again I am not judging her . I am just saying ...And here we go. Her phone is ringing again .

Serena was sitting across me on the dinning table but because of calls she got up and stood near the window .

" Yes , I am having my breakfast now . No , no one is bullying . No ,... She is not rude to me ...No you can 't come here ...No ...Its okay everything will be alright you have ....No you have to study . No you can't run away . You have nowhere to go ...Alright bye , bye ..." ,Serena as she sighs again and again .

Miss Maria is chuckling .

" This will never get old . You are like a husband whose wife is overly protective of him ...And calls him again and again ..." , Miss Maria smiling profusely ...

Serena comes back to sit on the table ...and have her wierd breakfast .

Oh , french toast ...I am loving it . Humans really love things which give them pleasure . Including me ...which is definitely weird .